
Depressingly, there is no end in sight to Gianni Infantino’s autocracy

Matt Dickinson
The Times

We were into the last week of the World Cup when police raids on the homes and offices of European politicians in Belgium uncovered €1.5 million (£1.3 million) in notes, much of it stuffed in a suitcase like some bad heist movie. Prosecutors say it was a cash-for-influence scheme orchestrated by Qatar.

The World Cup — and the sporting world — carried on regardless, with barely a shrug, just as it had in the decade-long build-up to the tournament when allegations of corruption, including unresolved indictments in the United States about Qatar bribing some of the most senior figures at Fifa, were treated as insignificant, a sideshow. Criminal investigations? Whatever.

The Qatar authorities vehemently deny wrongdoing, the show went on and, anyway, Gianni Infantino assures