Researcher careers

What do researchers do?

What do researchers do?

Read about the latest findings in our What do researchers do report 2022

Discipline-specific infographics on career destinations of doctorate holders. Our infographics look at sectors, occupations, typical roles, and satisfaction levels

Researcher career stories

Researcher career stories

Be inspired by over 150 narratives from individual researchers - offering an insight into the lives and career decisions of contributors.

Where are they now? Ten years on, we've caught up with several researchers to find out where their skills have led them.

Search more career stories

EURAXESS UK Career Development Centre and read the inspiring EURAXIND video career stories from those who made the step beyond academia

Professional development

Professional development

Focus on mentoring and coaching for researchers. Browse resources

Plan your career development

RDF Planner - our online app can help you plan, track and evidence your development

PDP ROC - try our online course

Be aware of your values

Effective cover letters