Mental Health Week 2022: supporting the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents, 3–5 November 2022, Athens, Greece: meeting report


A series of events, called “Mental Health Week”, was held in Athens, Greece, marking almost one year since the launch of the Pan-European Mental Health Coalition.

Day 1 continued discussions of the second working package of the Coalition, focusing on the development of a quality of care framework for the mental health care of children and adolescents, including active participation of young people.

Day 2 provided an opportunity for Greece to bring together politicians, experts and citizens in discourse on mental health in Greece as well as throughout the WHO European Region, including holding a concert.

Youth participants vocally called for leadership roles and a clear framework for engagement with youth, work on which will begin in 2023.

World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Reference numbers
WHO Reference Number: WHO/EURO:2023-7234-47000-68673