WHO Office on Quality of Care and Patient Safety (Athens, Greece)
The WHO Office on Quality of Care and Patient Safety was established in April 2021 in Athens, Greece, with a vision to decisively improve the quality of care and patient safety, inspired by the European Programme of Work (EPW) 2020–2025 – ‘United Action for Better Health in Europe’.



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Telehealth quality of care tool: web annex

Quality of care in services provided at a distance through modern telehealth technologies and methodologies is ever more relevant as this growing approach...

Telehealth quality of care tool

This first version of the Telehealth quality of care tool (‎TQoCT)‎ is intended to be used by Member States (‎namely by focal points for patient...

Mental Health Week 2022: supporting the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents, 3–5 November 2022, Athens, Greece: meeting report

A series of events, called “Mental Health Week”, was held in Athens, Greece, marking almost one year since the launch of the Pan-European Mental...

Improving quality of care: strengthening primary health care by avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations in Romania: health systems evaluation report

Observations from completed WHO missions show that children and pregnant women with common conditions are often admitted to hospital when they could be...


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