Wikidata:WikiProject every politician/Hungary/data/Assembly/1875-1878

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?party ?district ?start ?end WHERE { ?item p:P39 ?statement . ?statement ps:P39 wd:Q17590876 ; pq:P2937 wd:Q104377445. OPTIONAL { ?statement pq:P580 ?start } OPTIONAL { ?statement pq:P582 ?end } OPTIONAL { ?statement pq:P768 ?district } OPTIONAL { ?statement pq:P4100 ?party } }
Member Group District Start Time End Time
Sándor Almássy Party of Independence and '48 Nagyfüged electoral district 1875-08-30 1887-05-25
Gyula Antal Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1881-06-01
Albert Apponyi Right Opposition Bobró electoral district 1877-04-21 1878-06-29
János Babics Liberal Party Jászberény urban electoral district 1875-11-04 1878-06-29
Antal Baldácsy Independence Party 1875-08-30 1878-10-19
Imre Balogh Liberal Party Fülöpszállás electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Ágoston Baranyi Liberal Party Margitta electoral district 1875-08-30 1876-09-28
Gábor Baross Liberal Party Illava electoral district 1875-08-30 1883-04-09
György Bartal Liberal Party Nagyilonda electoral district 1875-08-30 1875-10-25
Guidó Bausznern pártonkívüli 67-es 1875-08-30 1878-04-03
Jožef Berke Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1881-06-01
György Bertha Liberal Party 1878-04-02 1878-06-29
András Bethlen Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Algernon Beöthy Liberal Party Hosszúpályi electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
István Bittó Liberal Party Zurány electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Sigismund Borlea Romanian National Party 1869-04-22 1878-06-29
Antal Boér Liberal Party Fogaras electoral district 1875-08-30 1892-01-04
Sándor Bujanovics National Party 1875-01-01 1881-01-01
Béla Bánhidy Liberal Party Kisjenő electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Ferenc Chorin Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Károly Csemegi Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-10-30
Antal Csengery Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1880-07-13
Lajos Csernátony Liberal Party Pest 5th urban electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Károly Csider Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
László Csáky Liberal Party 1876-01-01 1891-01-01
Lajos Csávolszky Independence Party 1875-01-01 1896-01-01
Imre Darvas Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1877-01-01
Aurél Dessewffy Right Opposition 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Ferenc Deák Liberal Party Pest 1st urban electoral district 1875-08-30 1876-01-29
Ernő Dániel Liberal Party Szentgyörgy electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Pál Dániel Liberal Party Zichyfalva electoral district 1875-08-30 1895-05-10
Karl Fabritius Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Miksa Falk Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1884-05-19
Elek Farkas Liberal Party Ugra electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Imre Fest Deák Party 1865-12-14 1875-05-24
Antal Forgách Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1884-05-19
Mihály Földváry Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1878-01-01
Kálmán Ghyczy Liberal Party Komárom urban electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Dezső Gromon Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1876-09-28
Josef Gull szász pártonkívüli Segesvár 2nd electoral district 1875-09-08 1875-09-08
Gyula Gulner Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Jenő Hammersberg Liberal Party 1872-01-01 1878-01-01
Frigyes Harkányi Liberal Party Facset electoral district 1875-08-30 1895-11-13
Ernő Hazay Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Sándor Hegedüs Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1884-10-15
László Hegedűs Independence Party 1875-01-01 1884-01-01
Márton Hegyesi Party of Independence and '48 1875-01-01 1881-01-01
Ignác Helfy Independence Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Károly Hieronymi Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1892-11-03
Imre Hodossy Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1881-06-01
Iosif Hodoșiu Romanian National Party Körösbánya electoral district 1869-04-22 1878-06-29
Ernő Hollán Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1876-01-22
Boldizsár Horvát Liberal Party Szombathely electoral district 1875-08-30 1881-06-01
Gyula Horváth Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1891-05-20
Lajos Horváth Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1881-06-01
Mihály Horváth Liberal Party Pest 1st urban electoral district 1876-02-24 1878-06-29
Nándor Horánszky Liberal Party Magyaróvár electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Imre Huszár Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1876-02-09
Kálmán Háczky Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Ferenc Házmán Liberal Party Buda 2nd urban electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Gheorghe Ioanovici Liberal Party 1875-11-16 1881-06-01
Dániel Irányi National 1848 Party Békés electoral district 1872-09-03 1878-06-29
Győző Istóczy Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1884-01-01
József Justh Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1875-12-05
Mór Jókai Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1896-10-03
Ivor Kaas Liberal Party Hátszeg urban electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Gyula Kautz Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1881-06-01
Gábor Kemény Liberal Party 1875-04-12 1888-10-23
Kálmán Kemény Liberal Party 1872-01-01 1885-01-01
Kanuth Kende Liberal Party Aranyosmedgyes electoral district 1875-08-30 1881-06-01
Péter Kende Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1878-01-01
Károly Kerkapoly Liberal Party Tapolca electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Károly Khuen-Héderváry Liberal Party Győrsziget electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Pál Királyi Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1881-01-01
Vilmos Knöpfler Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1882-09-28
Béla Komjáthy Party of Independence and '48 1875-01-01 1906-01-01
László Korizmics Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1886-10-05
Ludwig Korodi pártonkívüli 67-es 1876-11-15 1878-06-29
Béni Kállay Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1878-01-01
Ödön Kállay Independence Party Szeged 2 electoral district 1875-08-30 1879-08-05
Gyula Károlyi Right Opposition 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Tibor Károlyi Liberal Party 1875-09-11 1884-05-19
György Kégl Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1892-01-01
Egyed Lehotzky Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1896-01-01
József Lichtenstein Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1878-01-01
Béla Lukács Független Szabadelvű Párt
Liberal Party
Béla Lukácsy Liberal Party 1875-09-06 1881-11-02
Péter Luppa Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Antal László Liberal Party Vál electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Wilhelm Löw szász pártonkívüli Szerdahely 1st electoral district 1875-09-07 1878-06-29
Géza Lükő Independence Party 1875-08-30 1887-05-25
József Madarász Independence Party Sárkeresztúr electoral district 1875-08-30 1887-05-25
Pál Mandel Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
János Markhot Liberal Party Vágvecse electoral district 1875-08-30 1881-06-01
Gyula Miklós Liberal Party Edelény electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Bálint Mikó Liberal Party Csíkszereda electoral district 1876-11-11 1882-10-05
Lajos Mocsáry Independence Party Kecskemét upper electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Aladár Molnár Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Antal Molnár Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
György Molnár Liberal Party Debrecen 3 urban electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Soma Mudrony Independence Party 1875-01-01 1881-01-01
István Márkus Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1881-01-01
Pál Móricz Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
György Nagy Liberal Party Székelyhíd electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
István Nedeczky Deák Party 1869-01-01 1878-01-01
Albert Németh National 1848 Party Hódmezővásárhely electoral district 1875-11-04 1878-06-29
Gyula Odescalchi Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Balázs Orbán Independence Party Lower electoral district (Udvarhelyszék 1) 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Pál Ordódy Liberal Party Szászsebes 2nd electoral district 1875-08-30 1881-10-05
Zsigmond Ormós Liberal Party Kisbecskerek electoral district 1878-02-27 1883-11-19
Gábor Pap Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Lajos Pap Liberal Party Kézdivásárhely urban electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Tivadar Pauler Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1886-04-30
Béla Perczel Liberal Party 1875-04-01 1878-06-29
Zsigmond Perényi Liberal Party Nagyszőllős electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Frigyes Pesty Liberal Party 1877-02-27 1878-06-29
Frigyes Podmaniczky Liberal Party Nagylak electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Károly Pogány Liberal Party Vajdahunyad electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Adolf Pongrácz Right Opposition Vágújhely electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
József Prónay Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1884-05-15
Ágost Pulszky Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Manó Péchy Liberal Party Kolozsvár 1 urban electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Tamás Péchy Liberal Party 1875-04-17 1896-10-03
Antal Pór independent politician 1875-01-01 1881-01-01
Béla Radvánszky Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1882-10-05
Ferdinánd Ragályi National 1848 Party Makó electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Stephan Ronay Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1884-05-19
Gedeon Ráday Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1881-06-01
Gedeon Ráday Liberal Party Óbecse electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Károly Ráth Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Simon Révay Liberal Party Stubnya electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Gyula Schvarcz Liberal Party 1875-12-04 1878-06-29
Pál Sennyey Right Opposition Királyhelmec electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-04-30
Gergely Simay Független Szabadelvű Párt Szamosújvár 1st urban electoral district 1877-10-31 1878-06-29
Ernő Simonyi Independence Party Szentes electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-10-28
Lajos Simonyi Liberal Party Nagyszalonta electoral district 1875-04-06 1878-06-29
Imre Somssich Liberal Party 1875-04-20 1878-06-29
Pál Somssich Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Andor Sponer independent politician 1878-03-27 1878-06-29
Edmund Steinacker independent politician 1875-11-04 1878-06-29
Károly Sváb Liberal Party Törökkanizsa electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Imre Szalay Party of Independence and '48 1875-01-01 1896-01-01
Gyula Szapáry Liberal Party Törökszentmiklós electoral district 1875-08-30 1889-04-13
György Szental Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1877-10-01
Lajos Szikszai Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1881-06-01
Dezső Szilágyi Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Ödön Szirmay Liberal Party Homonna electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Imre Szivák Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
József Szlávy Liberal Party Pozsony 1 urban electoral district 1875-08-30 1880-04-12
Pál Szontagh Liberal Party Balassagyarmat electoral district 1875-08-30 1875-09-06
Pál Szontagh Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
György Sztupa National Party 1875-01-01 1878-01-01
Pál Széchényi Right Opposition 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Kálmán Széll Liberal Party 1875-04-01 1881-06-01
Géza Szüllő Liberal Party Bazin urban electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Gedeon Tanárky Liberal Party Monor electoral district 1876-01-12 1878-06-29
Andor Taray Liberal Party 1872-01-01 1881-01-01
Gusztáv Tarnóczy Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1875-01-01
István Teleszky Liberal Party Nagyvárad electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Antal Tibád Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Kálmán Tisza Liberal Party 1875-04-01 1878-06-29
Ladislaus Tisza Liberal Party Lower electoral district (Torda) 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
László Tomcsányi National Party 1875-01-01 1901-01-01
Gyula Tost Liberal Party 1872-01-01 1878-01-01
Emil Trauschenfels pártonkívüli 67-es Brasov area electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Ágoston Trefort Liberal Party Sopron urban electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Kálmán Tóth Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Vilmos Tóth Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1879-10-23
Gábor Ugron Left Centre 1872-01-01 1884-01-01
Ákos Ugron Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1881-06-01
Gusztáv Vizsolyi Liberal Party 1872-09-03 1887-05-25
János Válly Independence Party Fehérgyarmat electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Gábor Várady Liberal Party Técső electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Tamás Vécsey Liberal Party 1876-01-08 1881-06-01
Moritz Wahrmann Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1878-01-01
Albert Wodianer Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1887-05-25
Béla Wodianer Liberal Party 1875-01-01 1878-01-01
Friedrich Wächter Liberal Party 1875-09-04 1876-09-28
Adolf Zay pártonkívüli 67-es Szászsebes electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Ferdinánd Zichy Right Opposition 1875-01-01 1878-01-01
Ede Zsedényi Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1879-02-20
Vilmos Zsigmondy Liberal Party Selmecbánya electoral district 1875-11-04 1878-06-29
Mihály Zsilinszky Liberal Party 1875-08-30 1887-05-25
József Zsitvay Liberal Party Dorog electoral district 1875-08-30 1878-06-29
Sándor Zákó Liberal Party Magyarkanizsa electoral district 1875-08-30 1880-02-02
Kálmán Zámory Liberal Party Nemesócsa electoral district 1881-09-26 1884-05-19

∑ 186 items.

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