Shortcut: WD:ITEMS,


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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Items and the translation is 82% complete.

維基數據歡迎您!很高興你想要了解如何編輯維基數據。與維基百科相同,維基數據同樣架構於MediaWiki 軟體,因此任何頁面皆可被加入、更改或刪除,你就可以。但與維基百科不同的是我們亦使用Wikibase 軟體使我們能夠有效存檔結構化數據。如果你有任何建設性的想法,請直接編輯。








  • 在任意维基媒体网站上有对应的页面,如维基百科、维基导游、维基文库、维基语录、维基学院或维基共享资源;
  • 是一个可清晰识别的概念或材料实体,可以用重要且公开可用的参考资料来描述,或者
  • 项满足结构化的需要。更多信息请参见我们的关注度方针


项是独一无二的。每个项都应该清晰地定义一个概念或者事物,或者一个清晰可识别的概念或事物的实例。比如,在维基数据,我们可以使项既是planet (Q634)的概念,又是星球的实例,Earth (Q2)


每一个项都可以互相连接,并且应该互相连接。每一个项都有独一无二的标识符(由前缀Q开头),以及在维基数据主名字空间的自己的页面。比如,对于上面列出来的项,1988 Summer Olympics (Q8470)love (Q316)Elvis Presley (Q303)Gorilla (Q36611)都是不同的项页面。这些页面,就是每一个项加入、编辑、维护的提防,大多数是以声明的形式。

页面也允许项互相连接,所以维基数据的所有数据都可以互相连接。通往其他页面的连接通常是以“属性(property)”的形式连接,通过点击“声明(statements)”段落的“编辑”按钮。如果没有列举适当的项,可以通过点击“声明”段落底部的“+ 添加”来添加。参见#Adding to an existing item page



  1. Albert Einstein's brain (Q2464312)part of (P361)Albert Einstein (Q937)
  2. Albert Einstein (Q937)instance of (P31)human (Q5)
  3. human (Q5)subclass of (P279)mammal (Q7377)
  4. mammal (Q7377)has part(s) (P527)mammary gland (Q189961)

通常可以将「作品頁面」以外与项目相关发出加入上述前缀“Q|”到项目编号,其中作为他烫括号,例如:{{Q|8470}}1988 Summer Olympics (Q8470)








如果一个数据项缺失,你可以创建它。你可以点击按标题搜索项或使用在屏幕左边菜单的“Create a new Item”页面来完成操作。从任一链接,你会进入一个页面然后会问你是否为标签描述创建新的入口。如果你使用按标题搜索项,界面会有两个让你在搜索时输入关键词的输入框。如果你使用创建一个新数据项,不用担心没有这些。填写所有文本框,当你完成后点击“Create”。


除了标签描述之外,對於一個項頁面还有两个需要被填充的元素是别名网站链接。项目页面的这四个元素是多语言的,这意味着它们被贡献者显示并输入特定的语言。 这也意味着他们(通常)会为每种语言设定不同的值。 也可以用多种语言添加和查看这些元素(如果您能够流利地使用多种语言,则可能需要执行这些操作); 有关在維基數據上设置语言首选项的信息,请参阅Help:多语言

A label is the most common name that an item would be known by. Labels are added to the text fields at the top of an item page to the "Label" column. Click "edit", type in the label, and click "publish". A description is a short phrase designed to disambiguate the page in question from other pages with the same or similar labels. Descriptions are added in the same way as labels, to the "Description" column. See Help:Label and Help:Description for more on using labels and descriptions.

You can add aliases by clicking the "edit" button at the top of an item page to the "Also known as" column. You will be able to insert the first alias into the field, at which point a second field will appear. Keep filling in aliases until you have no more alternate names to add, then click "publish". See Help:Aliases for more on using aliases.

To add a sitelink to Wikidata, go to the section(s) below the appropriate heading(s), for example "Wikipedia" or "Wikiquote" and click the "edit" next to the heading. At the bottom of the sitelink group you will then be given two blank fields: a left field which says "wiki" and (shown after correct filling a first field) a right field which says "page". The left field is where you put the language of the Wikimedia site page that the item corresponds to. The right field is where you put the title of the page as it appears on the Wikimedia site. Both of these fields contain drop-downs that will help you fill in the information once you begin typing. When you have filled out both fields, click "publish". See Help:Sitelinks for more information.

Please note: When clicking on any "edit" or "+ add" before the page has fully loaded you might be taken to a separate page with a special interface. This will also let you make the intended changes but it is more difficult to use. If the page does not appear as depicted on the images to the right after clicking "edit" or "+ add" you might want go back, wait for the browser to finish loading the page (usually there is an indication on top of the browser's tab) and then click "edit" or "+ add" again.

Examples of four fields filled out for the item Marie Curie (Q7186)

Language Item Label Description Aliases 链接至维基百科页面
英语 (en) Q7186 Marie Curie Polish and French physicist and chemist (1867–1934) Maria Salomea Skłodowska; Marie Skłodowska-Curie Marie Curie
法语 (fr) Q7186 Marie Curie physicienne et chimiste polonaise et française Maria Salomea Skłodowska herb Dołęga; Maria Skłodowska-Curie; Marie Sklodowska-Curie; Maria Skłodowska Marie Curie
波兰语 (pl) Q7186 Maria Skłodowska-Curie polsko-francuska uczona, noblistka z fizyki i chemii Maria Curie-Skłodowska; Marie Curie; Maria Skłodowska Maria Skłodowska-Curie

Editing an item page

How an item page is build up

All four fields, the label, description, aliases, and sitelinks, are editable. To edit an existing element, click on the "edit" button and then enter the new or updated information. Then click "publish". If an alias or sitelink is incorrect, you can remove it. To do this, first click on the "edit" button and then either delete the alias you wish to remove, or click the bin icon for the sitelink you wish to remove. Then click "publish". The element will immediately disappear and be removed from the database.


The template {{Item documentation}} provides documentation for items. It can be added in the talk page of an item. See Talk:Q56061 for an example for administrative territorial entity (Q56061).


只有管理员可以删除项。删除通过Wikidata:Requests for deletions完成。请提供一个简短的原因。


Wikidata:Sandbox -- 这是一个用于测试对数据项更改的沙盒


  • Help:标签,解释了什么是标签以及��们遵循那些的规则
  • Help:描述,解释了什么是描述以及它们遵循那些的规则
  • Help:别名,解释了什么是别名以及相关方针
  • Help:声明,解释了什么是声明以及他们遵循哪些规则
  • Help:網站鏈接,解释了什么是网站链接以及它们遵循哪些规则
  • Help:Merge, which explains how to merge items (in case interwiki links to Wikipedia articles in different languages but on the same subject exist on more than one Wikidata page)
