User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/3401

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A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

Identifier of an artist in the Database of Modern Exhibitions (1905-1915)

Unknown external ID

External ID Item
13581 Francis Cadell (Q345864)
13575 Charles Napier Hemy (Q1065621)
13926 Edward Robert Hughes (Q2280615)
13763 Thomas Pollock Anshutz (Q2757568)
13504 A. Duncan Carse (Q4647703)
13613 Savely Zeydenberg (Q5442822)
13639 John F. Carlson (Q5602910)
13491 Rex Vicat Cole (Q7319334)
13503 Robert Hugh Buxton (Q7345673)
13836 Baisen Hirai (Q11482017)
13638 Howard Russell Butler (Q12053936)
13727 William Penhallow Henderson (Q13533370)
13557 Augusto Calabi (Q16271456)
13552 Antonio Camaur (Q18758601)
13774 Mary Brewster Hazelton (Q19643241)
13718 Eliot Clark (Q20790101)
13967 Alexander Abdo (Q21454425)
13500 Edwin John Alexander (Q21456620)
13762 Cullen Yates (Q21752061)
13659 James Roy Hopkins (Q21810184)
13930 Fred Green Carpenter (Q21985492)
13826 Agapit Casas Abarca (Q23497943)
13915 Eduard Houbolt (Q41310305)
13975 Otto van Bylandt (Q46998687)
13730 Katherine Langhorne Adams (Q47005838)
13641 Lewis Cohen (Q47492748)
13890 Max Horte (Q63079961)
13891 Erich F. Hübner (Q95971481)

Different items for the same external ID

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
10623 Anton Kerschbaumer Anton Kerschbaum (Q95291249) Anton Kerschbaumer (Q591021) 87419575
12651 George Edward Cook George Eastman Cook (Q120926486) George Edward Cook (Q21462728) 87415946
3899 Max Pollak Max Pollak (Q94922951) Max Pollak (Q17082401) 87422730

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
Paja Jovanović (Q260892) 87419079 6045 Pavle Ioanowits
87419281 7548 Paul Joanovitch
Nikolai Triik (Q352190) 87425283 5031 Nikolai Triik
87425284 12928 Nikolai Triik
Vladimir Baranov-Rossiné (Q573654) 87414069 16 Vladimir Baranoff-Rossiné
87414070 12502 Vladimir Baranoff-Rossiné
Josef Huber (Q873888) 87418979 2739 Josef Huber
87418980 653 Josef Huber-Feldkirch
Gyula Kosztolányi-Kann (Q1119774) 87419443 1282 Gyula Kann
87419881 11150 Gyula Kosztolányi
John Peter Russell (Q1365633) 87423586 7625 John Russell
87423587 9508 John Peter Russell
Stanisław Podgórski (Q2331439) 87422268 770 Stanislaw Padgórski
87422701 8913 Stanisław Podgórski
Vladimír Fischer (Q2529473) 87417221 9396 Vladimír Fischer
87417222 4807 Vladimir Fedorovich Fischer
Henri Meunier (Q2679383) 87421439 8296 Henri Meunier
87421440 2835 Henri Georges Jean Isidore Meunier
Maurice Langaskens (Q3301004) 87420190 9138 Maurice Lancaskens
87420208 2833 Maurice Langaskens
Anna Schønheyder (Q4977739) 87423989 11158 Anna Hartmann Schönheyder
87424004 7687 Anna Schønheyder
Ernest Procter (Q5393700) 87422873 7199 Ernest Procter
87422874 9677 Ernest L. Proctor
Halfdan Strøm (Q5641867) 87424805 4744 Halfdan Frithjof Strom
87424808 12372 Halfdan Strøm
Anshelm Leonard Schultzberg (Q6169672) 87424051 2487 Anshelm Schultzberg
87424058 6300 Anshelm Leonard Schulzberg
Vassili Millioti (Q14216842) 87421523 258 Vasily Milioti
87421532 3177 Vasili Dmitrievich Millioti
Henri Morisset (Q15970277) 87421684 10622 François Morisset
87421685 1733 Henri Morisset
Pietro D'Achiardi (Q16590411) 87416154 9482 Pietro D´Achiardi
87416156 12295 Pietro D'Achiardi
Alexander Hausch (Q18325071) 87417622 133 Aleksandr Fedorovich Gaush
87418459 3156 Alexander Fjodorowitsch Hausch
François de Hérain (Q20745623) 87416330 13364 François Dehérain
87418602 4411 Francois de Hérain
René Janssens (Q21395957) 87419205 2826 Emmanuel-Rene Janssens
87419209 4072 René Janssens
Emmanuel Viérin (Q21396158) 87425631 4969 Emmanuel Vierin
87425632 8129 Emmanuel Viérin
Edward Louis Lawrenson (Q21456222) 87420298 6855 Edward Louis Laurenson
87420319 7896 Edward Louis Lawrenson
Maurice Taquoy (Q37945913) 87424948 8315 Maurice Tacquoy
87424978 7650 Maurice Taquoy
Ludwig Sigmundt (Q39310315) 87424304 6680 Ludwig Siegmunt
87424307 3913 Ludwig Sigmundt
Ernesztin Lohwag (Q41774537) 87420692 11102 Ernestine Lohwag-Frischauf
87424903 2313 Ernesztin Szablya-Frischauf
Edith Aimee Hope (Q55217983) 87418904 8701 Edith A. Hope
87418905 8269 Edith Amy Hope
Edmund Rothansl (Q112816985) 87423492 7496 Edmund Rothansl
87423493 7497 Eduard Rothansl

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
10623 Anton Kerschbaumer (Q591021)
Anton Kerschbaum (Q95291249)