Wikidata:Events/Telegram office hour 2023-01-18

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  1. Daniel Erenrich
  2. Dominique Labar
  3. Donald Ziff
  4. Evelien
  5. Giovanni B.
  6. GreenReaper
  7. Itamar
  8. Jon Amar
  9. Jon Harald Søby
  10. Kim
  11. Lucas Werkmeister
  12. Lydia Pintscher
  13. Mohammed Sadat
  14. Nikki
  15. Peter
  16. Sandra Fauconnier
  17. Valerie WMDE
  18. wikilinksbot
  19. মাহির মোরশেদ



Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:01]
we're about to start :)

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:01]
Helloo Helooo everyone

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:02]
We've got a lot to share with you. Are you ready for an exciting *office hour* ?

Peter, [18.01.23 18:02]

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:02]

Valerie WMDE, [18.01.23 18:02]

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:02]

Dominique Labar, [18.01.23 18:02]

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:02]
Let's do this :)

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:03]
special welcome to everyone to the first office hour of the new year!

Lucas Werkmeister, [18.01.23 18:03]

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:03]
This meeting will last 1 hour

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:03]
our friendly bot, @chatrecordbot, will be recording the meeting and we will be sharing it on the wiki later for those who couldn't make it Wikidata:Events#Office_hours

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:03]
Wikidata:Events#Office_hours (

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:03]
invite @chatrecordbot

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:04]
During the first half of the meeting we will be sharing all the exciting news around the development of Wikidata & Wikibase**

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:04]
we’ll also share a bit on other cool non-dev things happening on Wikidata/Wikibase

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:05]
after the presentations, we'll open up the floor for questions and discussions

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:05]
Without further ado, let's let’s do some business

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:05]
PMs, are you ready to get the ball rolling?

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:05]
Let's kick off the meeting with a presentation from @nightrose on the latest happenings in Wikidata

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:05]
Thank you, Mohammed!

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:06]
So let's look at what happened in terms of development around Wikidata.

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:06]
First thing: The new REST API.

Donald Ziff, [18.01.23 18:06]
Is this the right place for wikibase office hours?

Valerie WMDE, [18.01.23 18:06]

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:07]
We are ready with the first version and are preparing for the rollout on

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:07]
We wanted to do that yesterday but there were some unrelated issues so we'll try again either later tonight or tomorrow European time. 🤞

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:07]
We'd love for you to test it out then. There will be an announcement when you can test it on

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:08]
And once that's all good hopefully about 1 week later we will enable it on Wikidata and have a shiny new API \o/

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:08]
Besides that we worked on a bunch of smaller improvements to the Query Service.

Jon Harald Søby, [18.01.23 18:08]
Forgive my ignorance, but what's the difference between a REST API and the existing API?

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:08]
Will get to that in a sec!

Daniel Erenrich, [18.01.23 18:09]

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:09]
We added tooltips for Lexemes, we unified the way you can get a link to the query or the query result , we added more autcompletes and we fixed a bug where axis descriptions were wrong.

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:10]
As for the difference between the action API and the REST API: the biggest benefit will be that it's more tailored to Wikidata's/Wikibase's datamodel instead of Wikipedia's articles.

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:10]
So hopefully will feel more natural to work with.

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:11]
Besides query service and rest api we also worked on the Mismatch Finder. We improved how it handles dates and made it possible to get the results of the reviews for a mismatch upload. The Mismatch Finder can now also be used to suggest new data for Wikidata.

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:11]
The Vector 2022 skin also got some love and should now have a functioning search for Wikidata Items.

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:12]
The mul language code is still being worked on. We hit a roadblock with language fallbacks on mobile though that will need more thinking now.

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:12]
The Constraint violations also got attention. They are for example now shown to non-logged in editors as well.

মাহির মোরশেদ, [18.01.23 18:13]
is it actually recording though? (I remember last meeting ran into a problem with the bot)

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:13]
Then we spent time preparing a survey to figure out which ontology issues are the worst for reusers trying to build applications on top of our data. We will publish it later this week and we'd love a lot of responses from people who struggle with building apps because of ontology issues.

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:14]
And last but not least: Entity Schemas. We continued the technical investigation so we can make progress on version 2 now.

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:14]
it seem broken, even after inviting it manually

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:14]
How about Wikibase Suite, Jon?

মাহির মোরশেদ, [18.01.23 18:14]
(context on the recording problem from last time)

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:14]
Thanks Lydia :)

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:15]
Hi Folx, here’s some updates on what we’ve been up to on Wikibase Suite.

Jon Harald Søby, [18.01.23 18:15]
(why use a bot at all? Telegram offers the option to export chat history from a given date)

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:15]
(Reminder: Suite is the self-install version of Wikibase.)

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:15]
We’re full steam on getting caught up to the Mediawiki release cycle. We released Mediawiki 1.38 parity version (which is a legacy support version). Our release includes an experimental version of federated properties (set to off by default) and support for PHP 8.

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:15]
We released that this past monday! More info here:

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:15]
the bot does give us a neater format to cut and paste on-wiki

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:16]
We’re also working on hiring engineers for the Suite team so we can move a bit more quickly on our end.

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:17]
It is slow going though, so our development capacity will be very limited for the next few months (successful hiring + onboarding time).

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:17]
If you know anyone, or feel like generously sharing in your network, please do so via these links... you’re probably the best group of people in the world to help us find a great match!

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:17]
Sr Software Engineer:

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:17]
Software Engineer:

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:17]

  1. shamelesspromotion

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:18]
We’re also in full learning mode.

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:18]
First off, I’m really keen to meet with you folx 1:1 to get to know you and hear your needs and perspectives. So, feel free to grab a spot in my calendar for a chat (this is a short term experiment given my limited capacity so please note this link probably won’t work forever).

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:19]
Also, we're wanting to know about your Wikibase. Do you have a self-install Wikibase that isnt in the registry? Share a link here or DM it to me or Valerie on telegram and we’ll add it to the registry!

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:21]
That's it for us. On to Wikibase Cloud with Evelien!

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:21]
Cool thanks Jon, and hi everyone! Good to be here again, and starting to see some familiar faces :D

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:21]
Here's what's been going on with Wikibase Cloud the last few months

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:22]
We gathered input from the Wikibase Cloud community on what they feel a logo should represent, and crafted a logo that we officially showed to the world right after New Year’s. So Wikibase Cloud is no longer anonymous. The logo files and variations will be available on Commons soon, we’re just ironing out the details

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:23]
We also ran a survey to gather information from Wikibase Cloud users about how their experience is so far and where we should improve, to pinpoint our development plan for this year. We gathered great insights and have almost wrapped up the processing of all the results, stay tuned for the report

Jon Harald Søby, [18.01.23 18:23]
Do you have a link/image of the logo (even if not on Commons)? I haven't seen it yet

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:24]
Towards the end of last year, we released the Wikibase Cloud contact page: People now have a central place while using Wikibase Cloud to reach us with any questions, feedback or requests, and it also gives us another platform to motivate people to get more involved with the community

GreenReaper Laurence, [18.01.23 18:24]

GreenReaper Laurence, [18.01.23 18:25]
(the real one is actually CSS, or coerced to it)

Jon Harald Søby, [18.01.23 18:25]
ooh, nice

Valerie WMDE, [18.01.23 18:25]
hehe :)

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:25]
Thanks Valerie :D

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:25]
Anyway, to stay on the theme of UI changes in, we have also made some minor improvements to the sign up flow to make it more understandable for new people to onboard

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:26]
We also addressed some reported issues such as Captcha not working for signups on Wikibases with custom domains, and a configuration bug in the account request feature to stop the spam account creation on a Wikibase

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:26]
And finally, we scaled up more resources as the usage is growing, and did major software updates to ensure the platform stays reliable. We haven’t had any downtime so far, so this seems to be a working strategy :D

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:26]
That's it from me, back to you Mohammed

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:27]
Great, thanks Evelien

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:27]
now that we've covered the past development updates, let's take a quick look at some of the other things happening in the Wikidata community

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:27]
There was 1 RfA by a previous admin. Welcome back ChristianKl 2 \o/

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:28]
A record 28 new bot requests were made. 7 requests have been approved so far

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:28]
Big thanks to the people running these bots to make Wikidata better

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:28]
The community discussed and adopted SitelinksToRedirects as a policy Wikidata:Requests for comment/Adopt Help:SitelinksToRedirects as policy

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:28]
Wikidata:Requests for comment/Adopt Help:SitelinksToRedirects as policy (

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:28]
There is an ongoing RfC on Improving the performance of retrieving labels, descriptions and aliases. You can provide input to the discussion Wikidata:Requests for comment/Improving the performance of retrieving labels, descriptions and aliases

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:28]
Wikidata:Requests for comment/Improving the performance of retrieving labels, descriptions and aliases (

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:28]
Around events,

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:28]
In December many of you participated in the bug triage on Entity Schemas : December 6th (Entity Schemas). Thank you for showing up with all the Phabricator tasks that we improved together

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:29]
The Coolest Tool Award 2022 happened. As usual, a number of Wikidata tools got recognized. Check out the meta page if you want to catch up on what happened Coolest Tool Award m:Coolest Tool Award/2022

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:29]
m:Coolest Tool Award/2022 (

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:29]
@albin and @Jan_ainali passed 100 videos in their weekly LIVE Wikidata editing sessions \o/

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:29]
Shoutout to @Udehben and @Tochiprecious for organising the Wikidata:Wiki Mentor Africa session

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:29]
Wikidata:Wiki Mentor Africa (

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:29]
…and finally, @Envlh’s Weekly Lexemes Challenge continues to engage the community to work on Lexicographical data

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:29]
Thank you so much to all of you for your hard work

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:29]
And to everyone else who talks about Wikidata at conferences, creates videos or live stream sessions about Wikidata -- You are awesome :)

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:30]
Some new tools got build, as well as old tools that got increased attention this quarter and you might not know them yet:

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:30]
Wikidata Atlas ( - a tool that allows the user to search for different types of entities (with geo-coordinates) on Wikidata and visualize them on a world map

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:30]
Fediscope ( --> lets you find fediverse accounts for people in a field using Wikidata

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:30]
QLever ( --> Alternative instance for SPARQL queries

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:30]
… and a few userscripts too

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:31]
User:Nikki/LinkLabelsToLexemes.js by @Nikki --> is a userscript that links Labels to Lexemes

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:31]
User:Nikki/LinkLabelsToLexemes.js (

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:31]
User:Ainali/common-properties.js by @Jan_ainali--> shows the most common properties using a specific value

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:31]
User:Ainali/common-properties.js (

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:31]
User:Lectrician1/qualifier-constraint-usage.js by @lectrician1 --> Shows what properties this qualifier is a required and allowed qualifier on at the bottom of the qualifier page

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:31]
User:Lectrician1/qualifier-constraint-usage.js (

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:31]
Among the Wikiprojects that gained some traction this quarter was Wikidata:WikiProject_Biography

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:31]
Wikidata:WikiProject_Biography (

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:31]
@Bluerasberry made a podcast about it -->

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:32]
WikiProjects are the place where you can team up with others with a particular focus to improve Wikidata. Do check them out and add new ones to the weekly summary! d:Wikidata:WikiProjects

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:32]
d:Wikidata:WikiProjects (

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:32]
And finally, here are a few interesting things to watch and read in different languages

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:32]
Animals to Play H‑O‑R‑S‑E With
Awesome Wikidata: Curated list of Wikidata Projects and information -->

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:32]
Another successful Wikidata Project with UVA -->

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:32]
What Wikidata teaches us about knowledge engineering -->

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:32]
Modeling Our Languages ​​with Lexeme, by @abartov -->

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:33]
Get to know Wikidata Lexemes (in Indonesian) -->

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:33]
Wikidata, how to contribute and how to write queries in SPARQL (in Italian) -->

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:33]
As a reminder…

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:33]
Save the date! The next WikidataCon will take place on October 28-29, 2023, and will be organized by Wikimedia Taiwan and Wikimedia Germany. The hybrid event will be streamed from Taipei and accessible for everyone online

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:33]
More information and updates on Wikidata:WikidataCon_2023

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:33]
Wikidata:WikidataCon_2023 (

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:33]
You can now register for the Wikimedia Hackathon 2023, taking place on May 19-21 in Athens, Greece. You can also apply for a scholarship until January 14th

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:34]
More information: mw:Wikimedia Hackathon 2023/Participate

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:34]
mw:Wikimedia Hackathon 2023/Participate (

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:34]
Wikimania 2023 Scholarships are Open: Apply Now! wikimania:2023:Scholarships

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:34]
wikimania:2023:Scholarships (

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:34]
…and finally, the next Wikibase live session will be on 26th January

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:34]
m:Template:Wikibase Community User Group/Navbox

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:34]
m:Template:Wikibase Community User Group/Navbox (

GreenReaper Laurence, [18.01.23 18:34]
But it's Jan 18... 😅

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:34]
If you have something to share with the community about Wikibase or anything you're working on, please let @valerie_wmde know so she can add it to the agenda

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:35]
If you want to know more about the cool things that other community members are doing, or add more to the list: please consider subscribing & contributing to the Wikidata newsletter :)

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:35]
d:Wikidata:Status updates

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:35]
d:Wikidata:Status updates (

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:35]
Now, back to dev things. What’s coming next for Wikidata & Wikibase?

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:35]
Over to you @nightrose

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:36]
Thanks! :)

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:36]
ah damm, too late

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:36]
So what's coming for Wikidata development now?

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:37]
We're hopefully putting the REST API on later today or tomorrow and then on Wikidata a week later if everything goes well.

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:37]
We'll release the survey about ontology issues. Once we have enough replies and did the evaluation we will share the results and have a larger discussion to figure out what we can do about the biggest issues together.

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:37]
And last but not least we'll work on version 2 of Entity Schemas.

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:38]
What's coming for Wikibase Suite, Jon?

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:38]
Thanks Lydia :)

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:39]
So we're currently working on a Survey for Suite (self-hosting) users to better understand your current Wikibase needs and hurdles you face in realizing them.

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:39]
Keep an eye out for that in February.

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:39]
And if you're connected to people with WIkibases outside the usergroup please pass it along, we want to hear from all of you :)

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:40]
That's it for us, on to Evelien for Wikibase Cloud

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:40]

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:41]
For Wikibase Cloud, we’ll be fully focusing on getting the Search issue resolved, so that all Wikibase Cloud users have ElasticSearch available. In addition, we’ll address the most urgent user reported issues

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:41]
Further development on what was surfaced in the survey will be specified this quarter, so that we can focus on this in the next

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:42]
And finally, we'll be working on improving our documentation, especially for new users, and taking inventory of all topics to address in order to get from a closed to an open Beta this year

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:42]
Back to you Mohammed!

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:43]
cool cool

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:43]
That was it from us

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:43]
Do you have burning questions? It's your turn to ask us :D

Peter, [18.01.23 18:43]
Is there any plan to include a standard set of properties for people using Wikibase Cloud to start with?

Donald Ziff, [18.01.23 18:44]
Our research group greatly appreciate the access to resources for free. Thank you so much! I assume that can't go on indefinitely. What are the plans if an for a pay-as-you-go model for w.c?

Daniel Erenrich, [18.01.23 18:44]
a recurring topic of discussion on Wikidata is getting more context into the descriptions of items that are shown in dropdowns. see for example: . is there any hope of a technical solution here or should we just stuff more data into the description?

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:45]
We have definitely had some more interest in this, so it's definitely something we want to explore further, but we're still ironing out the details of the survey results so not sure where it lands on the priority list just yet

Peter, [18.01.23 18:46]
Thnaks, Evelien.

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:46]
It's on my radar but we have note been able to give it high priority so far. I'll consider this a request to bump it up.

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 18:46]

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:46]
Happy to hear it! No plans yet, we're intent on keeping it free or at least a free version, but we need to learn more about how it scales before making any definitive decisions on limits or pricing

Nikki, [18.01.23 18:47]
several of us have been trying to get wmde to add dynamically generated descriptions (starting with showing p31 I tried to make a user script to experiment a bit but ran into problems with how the search hook works (

Daniel Erenrich, [18.01.23 18:48]
yeah P31 is good. the request in particular here is for birth/death dates but it's similar

wikilinksbot, [18.01.23 18:48]
P31 ( – instance of

GreenReaper Laurence, [18.01.23 18:50]
I think if a future 1.38+ version of allows the new federated properties it might be feasible to use "standard" ones from Wikidata as well as your own (in the same Wikibase).

Daniel Erenrich, [18.01.23 18:51]
i've run into what i think is an issue with the syncing between enwiki and wikidata. i described it at i tried to raise the issue on enwiki but got a lot of push back

Daniel Erenrich, [18.01.23 18:51]
see the discussion at

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:52]
I'll have a closer look.

Peter, [18.01.23 18:52]
What is the time frame of having 1.38+ version of ?

Nikki, [18.01.23 18:54]
yeah, that's definitely not the end goal for us, just a simple place to start that doesn't immediately run into issues with making it work for all languages

Donald Ziff, [18.01.23 18:54]
Our group is trying to find best practices for reconciliation (open refine's term). We have two targets: wikidata and FactGrid. We are running a sandbox in w.c. We have had issues with open refine against our w.c instance. Are there any recognized issues with w.c and open refine? For the community: are there better tools available? The types we want to reconcile include people, places, libraries, and texts.

Evelien, [18.01.23 18:54]
There's a ticket for this you can follow if you like:, but sidenote to what GreenReaper mentioned: Fedeprops is not yet enabled here because it doesn't quite work with Cloud just yet

Peter, [18.01.23 18:55]
Thanks, Evelien, for the clarification.

মাহির মোরশেদ, [18.01.23 18:55]
related: any postponement of related automatic description functionality of the form "let's wait for Wikifunctions to launch" should be rethought on account of the numerous delays in that project

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:55]
We're approaching the end of office hour. Is there anything else on your mind you'd like to ask the team about Development?

Kim, [18.01.23 18:57]
I wish this were multilingual 😢

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:58]
I have one question: What's something cool you're working on at the moment? Time for some bragging 😉

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 18:58]

Daniel Erenrich, [18.01.23 18:58]
i'm still trying to get more feedback on

Sandra F., [18.01.23 18:59]
OMG I have opinions!

Lydia Pintscher, [18.01.23 18:59]
I will love to read them in the survey :D

Nikki, [18.01.23 19:00]
and also on account of the number of triples we could remove from blazegraph and the number of edits we could avoid just by supporting some fairly simple ones :P

Kim, [18.01.23 19:01]
I'n working on getting Finnish albums up a few notches on @moebeus album list 😁

Sandra F., [18.01.23 19:01]
I like these principles, although they're not all encompassing.

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 19:01]
just so people know what daniel is refereing to

Kim, [18.01.23 19:02]
(Aiming to bypass Swedish, like a good Fenno-Scandinavian 😂)

GreenReaper Laurence, [18.01.23 19:03]
I'm putting my experience with the event schedule handler pretalx from the last WikiDataCon to use by deploying a self-hosted instance for an unrelated convention (held in a castle on the Scottish Borders of England).

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 19:03]
okay, we're actually out of time now

Kim, [18.01.23 19:03]
@mahir256 made a cool query to help with it:

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 19:04]
if you have any more questions, feel free to still type them in and ping us , so we can take a look later

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 19:04]
Thanks so much, everyone for attending and asking questions

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 19:04]
see you around :)

Giovanni B., [18.01.23 19:04]

Evelien, [18.01.23 19:04]
Thanks everyone!

Kim, [18.01.23 19:04]

Valerie WMDE, [18.01.23 19:04]
bye everyone :))

Mohammed Sadat, [18.01.23 19:05]
bye everyone

Itamar, [18.01.23 19:05]
Bye everyone, Thank you! 👋

Jon Amar, [18.01.23 19:07]
bye all!