Wikidata:Property proposal/bust/waist/hip measurements

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bust/waist/hip measurements


chest measurement


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Person

   Not done
Descriptioncircumfence of bust of somebody
Representsbust (Q100990168)
Data typeQuantity
Domainhumanoid (Q502931), fictional humanoid (Q28020127)
Allowed valuesnumber
Allowed unitsinches, centimeters
Example 1Roos van Montfort (Q15881468) -> 34 inch [1]
Example 2Astolfo (Q106191885) -> 71 centimeter [2]
Example 3MISSING
Planned useSimilar to height (P2048) and mass (P2067), this data will be listed for real individuals if it is publicly known and should be qualified with a date as physical characteristics like them are bound to change in an individual over time. B/W/H measurements specifically would be far more likely to see use in the realm of fictional characters.
See alsoheight (P2048), mass (P2067), Wikidata:Property proposal/Cup size, Wikidata:Property proposal/body measurements
Wikidata projectWikiProject cool (Q8487304), Wikidata property related to erotica or pornography (Q53671196)

waist measurement


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Person

   Not done
Descriptioncircumfence of waist of somebody
Representswaist (Q236232)
Data typeQuantity
Domainhumanoid (Q502931), fictional humanoid (Q28020127)
Allowed valuesnumber
Allowed unitsinches, centimeters
Example 1Roos van Montfort (Q15881468) -> 24 inch [3]
Example 2Astolfo (Q106191885) -> 59 centimeter [4]
Example 3MISSING
Planned useSimilar to height (P2048) and mass (P2067), this data will be listed for real individuals if it is publicly known and should be qualified with a date as physical characteristics like them are bound to change in an individual over time. B/W/H measurements specifically would be far more likely to see use in the realm of fictional characters.
See alsoheight (P2048), mass (P2067), Wikidata:Property proposal/Cup size, Wikidata:Property proposal/body measurements
Wikidata projectWikiProject cool (Q8487304), Wikidata property related to erotica or pornography (Q53671196)

hip measurement


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Person

   Not done
Descriptioncircumfence of hip of somebody
Representship (Q193818)
Data typeQuantity
Domainhumanoid (Q502931), fictional humanoid (Q28020127)
Allowed valuesnumber
Allowed unitsinches, centimeters
Example 1Roos van Montfort (Q15881468) -> 36 inch [5]
Example 2Astolfo (Q106191885) -> 73 centimeter [6]
Example 3MISSING
Planned useSimilar to height (P2048) and mass (P2067), this data will be listed for real individuals if it is publicly known and should be qualified with a date as physical characteristics like them are bound to change in an individual over time. B/W/H measurements specifically would be far more likely to see use in the realm of fictional characters.
See alsoheight (P2048), mass (P2067), Wikidata:Property proposal/Cup size, Wikidata:Property proposal/body measurements
Wikidata projectWikiProject cool (Q8487304), Wikidata property related to erotica or pornography (Q53671196)



Similar to height (P2048) and mass (P2067), this data will be listed for real individuals if it is publicly known and should be qualified with a date as physical characteristics like them are bound to change in an individual over time. B/W/H measurements specifically would be far more likely to see use in the realm of fictional characters. OmegaFallon (talk) 17:16, 31 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Addition: This should be three separate properties, not one single property. OmegaFallon (talk) 22:50, 1 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]

