Wikidata:WikiProject Indonesia/Tokoh Minang

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Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia memiliki kategori dan daftar artikel tokoh Indonesia menurut keturunan (etnik). Setidaknya, per 22 Oktober 2023, ada 39 laman kategori dan 29 laman daftar tokoh menurut keturunan. Tiap kategori dan daftar memuat sejumlah artikel. Artikel tokoh berdasarkan keturunan terbanyak adalah: Jawa (3.000+), Minangkabau‎ (2.000+), dan Tionghoa-Indonesia‎ (1.000+).

Idealnya, setiap artikel yang masuk dalam kategori dan daftar tokoh menurut keturunan memiliki penjelasan mengenai genealogi dengan rujukan sumber terpercaya. Sayangnya, tidak semua artikel memiliki rujukan sehingga tidak dapat divalidasi. Ada artikel yang sekadar masuk dalam kategori dan daftar saja.

Di Wikidata, pernyataan etnik (P172) pada butir tokoh harus memiliki rujukan, walaupun datanya diperoleh (diimpor) dari Wikipedia atau merupakan pengetahuan umum. Hal itulah yang menyebabkan komunitas Wikidata sepakat menghapus pernyataan etnik tokoh tanpa rujukan pada Oktober 2022 lalu.

Komunitas Wikidata Indonesia (khususnya dari Padang) menginisiasi pemberian rujukan pada pernyataan etnik (P172) di butir tokoh. Mengingat ketersediaan dan akses sumber yang dimiliki, cakupan atau topik yang dipilih adalah Tokoh Minang. Dalam hal ini, sumber utama yang digunakan: Ensiklopedia Tokoh 1001 Orang Minang (Q122894359). Ensiklopedia tersebut memuat biografi ringkas tokoh Minang, termasuk penjabaran asal-usul (etnik).

Tugas sekarang


Per 22 Oktober 2023, terdapat 1.307 butir tokoh Minang di Wikidata yang diberi rujukan sesuai sumber yang dimiliki. Namun, belum semua butir memiliki properti yang memadai. Butir tersebut dapat di akses di:

Berikut adalah properti yang disarankan untuk dilengkapi:

Properti butir orang

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)
Wajib dan hanya diisi dengan Q5
Adityawarman <instance of> human-
occupationP106Itemoccupation, profession and by occupation or profession: occupation of a person; see also "field of work" (Property:P101), "position held" (Property:P39)Chairil Anwar <occupation> poet-
date of birthP569Point in timedate of birth: date on which the subject was born
Cukup tuliskan tahun jika tanggal lahir tidak diketahui atau kosongkan jika tidak ada data sama sekali
A. Damhoeri <date of birth> 31 Agustus 1915-
date of deathP570Point in timedate of death: date on which the subject died
Cukup tuliskan tahun jika tanggal wafat tidak diketahui atau kosongkan jika tidak ada data sama sekali
Tan Malaka <date of death> 19 Februari 1949-
place of birthP19Itemplace of birth, maternity hospital and unknown birth place: most specific known (e.g. city instead of country, or hospital instead of city) birth location of a person, animal or fictional character
Lokasi paling spesifik yang diketahui
Ibrahim Datuak Sangguno Dirajo <place of birth> Sungayang-
place of deathP20Itemplace of death: most specific known (e.g. city instead of country, or hospital instead of city) death location of a person, animal or fictional character
Lokasi paling spesifik yang diketahui
Mohammad Natsir <place of death> Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital-
imageP18Commons media fileillustration and image: image of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image)Mohammad Hatta <image> Mohammad Hatta 1950.jpg-
place of burialP119Itemgrave, location of burial and inferred from place of burial: location of grave, resting place, place of ash-scattering, etc. (e.g., town/city or cemetery) for a person or animal. There may be several places: e.g., re-burials, parts of body buried separately.Agus Salim <place of burial> Kalibata Heroes Cemetery-
educated atP69Itemalma mater: educational institution attended by subjectMuhammad Alwi Dahlan <educated at> University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign-
fatherP22Itemfather: male parent of the subject. For stepfather, use "stepparent" (P3448)Sutan Sjahrir <father> M Rasjad Maharadja Soetanchild
motherP25Itemmother: female parent of the subject. For stepmother, use "stepparent" (P3448)Sutan Assin <mother> Limbak Tjahajachild
spouseP26Itemspouse: the subject has the object as their spouse (husband, wife, partner, etc.). Use "unmarried partner" (P451) for non-married companionsHamka <spouse> Sitti Rahamspouse
childP40Itemchild: subject has object as child. Do not use for stepchildren—use "relative" (P1038), qualified with "type of kinship" (P1039)Lenggogeni Faruk <child> Atta Halilintarparent
siblingP3373Itemsibling: the subject and the object have at least one common parent (brother, sister, etc. including half-siblings); use "relative" (P1038) for siblings-in-law (brother-in-law, sister-in-law, etc.) and step-siblings (step-brothers, step-sisters, etc.)Aero Sutan Aswar <sibling> Aqsa Sutan Aswarsibling
relativeP1038Itemkinship: family member (qualify with "kinship to subject", P1039; for direct family member please use specific property)Ahmad Khatib <relative> Sheikh Tahir Jalaluddinrelative
position heldP39Itemmandate, position, political coalition, by position held, public office and historical position: subject currently or formerly holds the object position or public officeMohammad Natsir <position held> Prime Minister of Indonesiaofficeholder
field of workP101Itemfield of work: specialization of a person or organization; see P106 for the occupationAchmad Mochtar <field of work> molecular biology-
employerP108Itememployer: person or organization for which the subject works or workedUsmar Ismail <employer> PERFINI-
award receivedP166Itemaward, honorary citizenship, title of honor and decoration: award or recognition received by a person, organization or creative workImam Bonjol <award received> National Hero of Indonesia-
member ofP463Itemmember and group member: organization, club or musical group to which the subject belongs. Do not use for membership in ethnic or social groups, nor for holding a political position, such as a member of parliament (use P39 for that)Mohamad Nazief <member of> Perhimpoenan Indonesia-
notable workP800Itemwork and magnum opus: notable scientific, artistic or literary work, or other work of significance among subject's worksAbdul Muis <notable work> Never the Twain-
owner ofP1830Itemownership and owner of: entities owned by the subjectNurhayati Subakat <owner of> Wardahowned by
Properti tambahan khusus olahragawan
Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
member of sports teamP54Itemsports team: sports teams or clubs that the subject represents or representedNilmaizar <member of sports team> Semen Padang F.C.-
sportP641Itemtype of sport and sport: sport that the subject participates or participated in or is associated withMarkis Kido <sport> badminton-
country for sportP1532Itemnationality for sports: country a person or a team represents when playing a sportMohd Aidil Zafuan Abdul Radzak <country for sport> Malaysia-
participant inP1344Itemevent: event in which a person or organization was/is a participant; inverse of P710 or P1923Randa Riandesta <participant in> 2023 SEA Gamesparticipant
Properti tambahan khusus politisi
Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
candidacy in electionP3602Itemcandidate: election where the subject is a candidatePuan Maharani <candidacy in election> 2019 Indonesian People's Representative Council electioncandidate
member of political partyP102Itempolitical party and member of political party: the political party of which a person is or has been a member or otherwise affiliatedSirajuddin Abbas <member of political party> Islamic Education Union-
Properti tambahan khusus tokoh militer
Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
occupationP106Itemoccupation, profession and by occupation or profession: occupation of a person; see also "field of work" (Property:P101), "position held" (Property:P39)Ahmad Dirwan <occupation> military personnel-
military rankP410Itemmilitary rank: military rank achieved by a person (should usually have a "start time" qualifier), or military rank associated with a positionDoni Monardo <military rank> lieutenant general-
military branchP241Itemmilitary branch: branch to which this military unit, award, office, or person belongs, e.g. Royal NavyAgusni <military branch> Indonesian Army-

Properti butir jabatan

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)Prime Minister of Indonesia <instance of> Abdul Halim-
officeholderP1308Itemincumbent and office held: persons who hold and/or held an office or noble titleRector of Universitas Andalas <officeholder> Yuliandriposition held
organization directed by the office or positionP2389Itemorganization: organization which is directed by this officeChief of the Indonesian National Police <organization directed by the office or position> Indonesian National Policeoffice held by head of the organization
topic's main categoryP910ItemWikimedia category and category's main topic: main Wikimedia categoryChief of Staff of the Indonesian Army <topic's main category> Category:Chiefs of Staff of the Indonesian Armycategory's main topic
inceptionP571Point in timedate of establishment: time when an entity begins to exist; for date of official opening use P1619President of Indonesia <inception> 18 Agustus 1945-





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