Slough Town disappointed by Nathan Minhas' surprise departure

Daniel Darlington

02:51PM, Thursday 27 June 2024

Nathan Minhas. Photo: George Beck


Slough Town are set to be without one of their key forward players next season after Nathan Minhas announced his surprise departure from the club this week.

It was expected that Minhas would stay at Arbour Park next season and lead the line for the Rebels, however, the likelihood of that now happening appears extremely remote.

Initially part of Slough's retained list for the 2024/25 season - alongside the likes of captain Josh Jackman and winger David Ogbonna - Minhas has opted against extending his stay with the National League South club.

Instead, he called Slough's player manager Scott Davies this week to let him know he had decided to leave and pursue an opportunity with another club.

In a statement on the website, Davies said: “It was extremely surprising to receive a call to hear that Nathan was leaving for another club in the league after being a mainstay in our team last season.

“Having said that, I’ve always said that I want players that are desperate to be at the football club, and that will never change, so maybe it’s best that he has moved on if his heart wasn’t in it with us.

“We thank Nathan for his efforts last season.”

Minhas follows the likes of Tyrese Dyce, Johnny Goddard and Temi Eweka out of the door at Slough this summer, however, they all left with the manager's blessing, while this departure appears to have left a sour taste in the mouth for the Rebels' boss.

The management team has been working hard in recent weeks to rebuild a team capable of being competitive next season and - as part of that - four new signings have been announced. They are Dan Roth, Sam Evans, John Gilbert and John Ufuah, with the latter three likely to add attacking impetus to the team.

The influential midfielder Matt Lench has also signed a new deal to keep him at the club next season.

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