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Statîstîkên imûmî [show] [veşêre]

ID 76209745
Wikidata ID Q124842732 · 1 sitelink
Page size 11.866 bytes
Total edits 8
Editors 7
Nirxandin Start Start
Pageviews (30 days) 66
Minor edits 3 · (%37,5)
IP edits 1 · (%12,5)
Guherandinên botan 1 · (%12,5)
(Semi-)automated edits 0
Reverted edits 0
Guhartina yekem 2024-02-29 01:07Rcb111.779
Latest edit 2024-05-26 13:19LucasBrown54
Max. text added 2024-02-29 01:07Rcb111.779
Max. text deleted 2024-02-29 19:33JoeNMLC-31
Average time between edits (days) 10,9 days
Guherandinên wasatî ji bo her bikarhênerek 1,1
Guherandinên navînî (wasatî) ya rojane 0,1
Guherandinên wasatî ya mehane 2,8
Guherandinên wasatî ya salane 8
Edits in the past 24 hours 0
Edits in the past 7 days 0
Edits in the past 30 days 0
Edits in the past 365 days 8
Edits made by the top 10 editors 7 · (%87,5)
Lînkên ber bi vê rûpelê ve 416
Beralîkirin 0
Lînkên ji vê rûpelê 408
Girêdanên derveyî 1
Kategorî 7
Files 2
Templates 59
Bytes 215
Karakter 215
Words 34
Sections 11
References 1
Unique references 1
Hesab · 7 (%87,5)
IPs · 1 (%12,5)
Major edits · 5 (%62,5)
Minor edits · 3 (%37,5)
Edits made by the top 10 editors · 7 (%87,5)
Other editors · 1 (%12,5)

Nivîskar [show] [veşêre] Powered by WikiWho

Tê barkirin...

Top editors [show] [veşêre] Editor statistics over the history of the article.

Yên herî pirr sererastkirin kirine
Rcb1 · 2 (%28,6)
ZeroAlpha87 · 1 (%14,3)
Gronk Oz · 1 (%14,3)
LucasBrown · 1 (%14,3) · 1 (%14,3)
JoeNMLC · 1 (%14,3)
Top 10 by added text (teqrîbî)
Rcb1 · 11.780 (%99)
LucasBrown · 54 (%0,5) · 34 (%0,3)
Gronk Oz · 31 (%0,3)
ZeroAlpha87 · 1 (%0)
WikiCleanerBot · 0 (%0)
JoeNMLC · 0 (%0)
Rank Username Links Edits Minor edits Minor edits % Guhartina yekem Latest edit atbe1 Zêdekirî (bayt) 2
1 Rcb1 Top Edits · Edit Counter 2 0 %0 2024-02-29 01:07 2024-05-03 21:42 65 11.780
2 ZeroAlpha87 Top Edits · Edit Counter 1 1 %100 2024-04-02 16:56 2024-04-02 16:56 0 1
3 Gronk Oz Top Edits · Edit Counter 1 1 %100 2024-02-29 07:40 2024-02-29 07:40 0 31
4 LucasBrown Top Edits · Edit Counter 1 0 %0 2024-05-26 13:19 2024-05-26 13:19 0 54
5 Top Edits · Edit Counter 1 0 %0 2024-04-29 21:28 2024-04-29 21:28 0 34
6 JoeNMLC Top Edits · Edit Counter 1 0 %0 2024-02-29 19:33 2024-02-29 19:33 0 0
1 Average time between edits (days)
2 Added text is any positive addition that wasn't reverted

Lîsteya botan

Rank Bot Links Edits
1 WikiCleanerBot Top Edits · Edit Counter 1
Hemû agahî teqrîbî ne.

Year counts [show] [veşêre]

Hemû guhartin
Minor edits
IP edits
Year Edits IPs IPs % Minor edits Minor edits % Log events
2024 8 1 %12,5 3 %37,5

Month counts [show] [veşêre]

Meh Edits IPs IPs % Minor edits Minor edits % Edits · Minor edits · IPs
2024-02 3 0 %0 1 %33,3
2024-03 0 0 %0 0 %0
2024-04 2 1 %50 1 %50
2024-05 3 0 %0 1 %33,3
2024-06 0 0 %0 0 %0
2024-07 0 0 %0 0 %0

Nirxandin [show] [veşêre]

All times are in UTC.