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Last Updated: Tuesday, 21 October, 2003, 10:16 GMT 11:16 UK
My Music: Sugababes
Sugababes Keisha, Heidi and Mutya (Photo: Hainsley Brown)

Girl group Sugababes have scored their third UK number one single with Hole in the Head.

BBC News Online spoke to 19-year-old Mutya Buena from the band in a bid find out what music makes her tick.

What was the most recent album you bought?
Dizzee Rascal's Boy In Da Corner. He's got so much to talk about. I haven't been to a garage rave in ages, but it brings it all back when I'm listening to him full-blast in the house.

Which song from the last year do you think will become a classic?
Because I've been working so hard my mind's gone blank! But Breathe by Blu Cantrell and Sean Paul - and all his stuff - are personal classics. I've always been an urban girl and will be listening to that sort of music for a long time.

If you could organise a musical festival, which artists - alive or dead - would appear in your line-up?
Christina Aguilera, 50 Cent, B2K, Dizzee Rascal, Avril Lavigne, Evanescence, Chaka Khan - who's a bit of a legend - plus some UK garage DJs.

How important is chart success to you and the other Sugababes?
It means you have a good following and are being appreciated. We like to know people are listening to our music, which is our main priority.

Which current chart rivals do you most admire?
I don't think we have any rivals because we like to do things differently - we don't stick to one category of music. Atomic Kitten do pop, Mis-Teeq do R&B and garage.

What do you get the biggest buzz out of - recording, writing or performing?
I love performing and have been doing it since I was six. It's wicked, the most amazing thing ever.

What do you sing in the bath or shower?
I tend to make up my own songs and hum - if I think of lyrics then I sing them as well.

Which song by another artist do you wish you'd written?
That Chaka Khan one - I was singing it today but I can't remember it! Or something by Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston or Monica.

What are your aspirations for the future?
Doing a UK tour early next year. I quite like the more intimate venues, where you don't have to put on such a big show - it's just you, the music and the audience.

Sugababes take top slot
19 Oct 03  |  Entertainment
Sugababes ride the whirlwind
02 Sep 02  |  Entertainment
Sugababes claim number one
28 Apr 02  |  Entertainment
Second number one for Sugababes
18 Aug 02  |  Entertainment


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