Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study Project Partners


Project Team

Project Manager

Judy Hoffman

Project Manager, ALA Office for Research & Statistics

judy hoffman
Judy Hoffman manages activities associated with the Public Library Funding and Technology Access Study, including dissemination of study results and coordination of qualitative portions of the study. She joined the office in November 2010 after working for over 11 years as a marketing specialist for the North Suburban Library System, a multi-type system supporting libraries in the north Chicago suburbs. Previously she held positions in the satellite communications and advertising industries in Chicago and New York. Judy holds a B.A. in Speech Communications from the University of Illinois of Urbana-Champaign.

Project Researchers

John Carlo Bertot, Ph.D.

Professor and Co-Director

Information Policy & Access Center, College of Information Studies

University of Maryland

john bertot
Dr. John Carlo Bertot serves as Co-Director of the Information Policy & Access Center ( in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland. He serves as the survey manager for the Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study survey. His research spans library and government agency technology planning and evaluation, information and telecommunications policy, and E-government. His work has been funded by the U.S. Institute for Museum and Library Studies (IMLS), the National Science Foundation, the American Library Association, (ALA), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Survey team background information, experience, qualifications, and work on recent projects can be found on the Information Policy & Access Center

Project Consultants

Charles R. McClure, Ph.D.

Frances Eppes Professor of Information Studies and Director

Information Institute, College of Information,

Florida State University

charles mcclure
Dr. Charles R. McClure is President of Information Management Consultant Services, LCC and also serves as the Director of the Information Institute at Florida State University, College of Communication and Information. Prior to his current position, he was a distinguished professor at the School of Information Studies, Syracuse University. McClure is the founder and, with John Carlo Bertot, began conducting the U.S. survey of public libraries and the Internet in 1994. He has written extensively on topics related to the planning and evaluation of information services, federal information policy and information resources management. Most recently, he coauthored
Public Libraries and Internet Service Roles: Measuring and Maximizing Internet Services (ALA, 2008),

Additional support

ALA Public Information Office

Public Information Office (PIO),with input from ALA ORS and the ALA Public Library Association (PLA) Executive Director, will provide media and outreach support for the study. The PIO is the point of inquiry on ALA studies and messaging, and provides advocacy support for libraries. The PIO Director, Media Relations Manager and Media Relations Coordinator will develop a communications plan at the start of the program and will work with the media to disseminate study findings. The PIO’s Advocacy staff and the Campaign for America’s Libraries manager will coordinate study messaging.

ALA Office for Information Technology Policy

Study findings will be extremely helpful to the ALA Washington Office as they relate to informing key stakeholders about library funding and technology-related services. The ALA
Office for Information Technology Policy Director and Internet Policy Specialist will be involved throughout the project to advise on the study questions and study findings messaging.

ALA Information Technology & Telecommunication Services

Technology support to this project is provided by two staff in the ALA
Information Technology & Telecommunication Services department - a project manager and a Web developer.

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Office for Research & Statistics for questions about content on this page.