Research & Statistics Resources

Research-related content and links to statistical resources for all libraries

The American Library Association and its units have undertaken multiple research initiatives, with a goal to better understand the current library landscape and to help inform the advancement of the field of librarianship.

Previous ALA Research Initiatives

Digital Inclusion Survey

Funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and managed by the former ALA Office for Research & Statistics and the Information Policy and Access Center at the University of Maryland, the Digital Inclusion Survey was conducted in 2013, with a report released in 2014.

The report provided data on public library service in the areas of digital literacy, economic and workforce development, civic engagement, educational support, health information and public access to the internet.

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ALA-APA Salary Survey

The ALA-APA Salary Survey - last conducted in 2019 - summarizes library workers’ salaries across six position categories and includes data from both librarian and non-ML library workers. Data is collected from public libraries serving populations under 10,000 to more than 500,000; and for academic libraries at community colleges, four-year colleges and university libraries. The Library Salary Database is available as a complimentary benefit to all ALA members.

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Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study

Built on the longest-running and largest study of Internet connectivity in public libraries, conducted between 1994 and 2011, this study assessed public access to computers, the Internet and Internet-related services in U.S. public libraries, as well as the impact of library funding changes on connectivity, technology deployment and sustainability.

The resulting report - published in 2012 - provided information that can help library directors and library IT staff benchmark and advocate for technology resources in communities across the nation.

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Member Demographics Study

Between 2005 and 2017, ALA members were invited to participate in a brief, self-selected survey to gather membership demographics. Created with approval from ALA Committee on Diversity and the ALA Membership Committee and the work of a member task force, the survey was intended to help ALA take a big step toward knowing itself and being able to describe itself to others.

Social media graphic: THe State of America's Libraries 2024, a report from the American Library Association.

State of America's Libraries Report

The State of America's Libraries Report is issued every April, in conjunction with National Library Week. Published by ALA since 2006, the report is intended to inform the public about important trends and key issues facing America's libraries.

Read the 2024 report

See previous reports

Further Initiatives & Resources

Conducted annually by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Public Libraries Survey (PLS) examines when, where, and how library services are changing to meet the needs of the public.

The USBLS Releases their Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics each May, providing employment information about librarians in the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) and also in the Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey.