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Youth and Family Resources

A diverse group of middle school students smile and laugh as they wait to board a school bus.


Focusing on brain gains during middle school is crucial. Research shows cognitive function, social-emotional intelligence, memory, and even mental health can be impacted by how we protect and train our brains. For children and adolescents, building brain-healthy habits early can yield a lifetime of benefits.
The Adolescent Reasoning Initiative™ enables educators to create exponential impact, optimizing learning for students and accelerating success in the classroom and beyond.
To support your own family's brain health journey, Know Brainers for youth offer simple tips that can make a difference, or check out fun summer activities to do at home.

For Parents

About Parenting Minds

Approach your parenting in a new way with Parenting Minds™ – a self-paced online course that supports you through the most fulfilling, high-stakes journey of your lifetime: being a parent. Enjoy this two-lesson preview to start your BrainHealthy Parenting journey.

Smart Edge Camp 2024

A diverse group of adolescents laugh and enjoy a study session together.

Give your 6th-11th grader a SMART Edge!

July 22-25 + July 29-August 1 │ Mon-Thur │ 9:00 am-3:00 pm

SMART Edge summer camp is eight days of SMART brain training tailored to adolescents.
Enhance innovation in an engaging, activity-based and age-appropriate environment.
For more information about the SMART Edge program, request a consultation.

For Educators

Middle school through ninth grade is a perfect time to focus on brain health because it is a period of tremendous development, particularly for the brain's pre-frontal cortex.

A child studies a globe of Earth in a classroom.
Teachers can transform their classroom when trained to understand the developing brain, build skills in critical thinking and reasoning, and optimize student learning.
Since 2010, the Adolescent Reasoning Initiative has trained more than 600 teachers, reaching 86,000+ middle and high school students with transformational strategies to build higher-order reasoning across all subjects and throughout life.

For Families

With the right tools, young people can gain problem-solving skills and learn life-changing strategies for overcoming brain health challenges.

Know Brainers

Take simple steps to strengthen your brain health – inspire positive habits and energize your brain health journey, with a little science from these six family-focused Know Brainers.

Fun Ways to Learn About Your Brain

Enjoy these brain-healthy games and activities at home or in your community.