User:Jtwsaddress42/Projects/Project 7

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Note: This page is a draft and currently under development.

Attribution: User Jtwsaddress42 (discusscontribs) created this resource and is actively using it. Please coordinate future development with this user if possible.
Subject classification: this is a history resource.
Subject classification: this is a science resource.
Subject classification: this is a evolution resource
Subject classification: this is a biology resource.
Subject classification: this is a chemistry resource.
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Type classification: this is a notes resource.

The Human Narrative & Culture As Ancestor Knowledge Transmission

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Introduction: Adaptive Pattern Recognition, Reciprocal Coengagement, Enculturation & Symbolic Consciousness

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Beyond the Realm of Experience the Universe is inherently Mysterious...

Animal Nervous systems operate fundamentally in terms of adaptive pattern recognition rather than logic. They are finite structures with a finite resolution on reality and their experience. They cannot know an effectively infinite reality in it's totality, therefore they don't attempt to do so because it would be impossibly costly in terms of time and resources. Instead, animal nervous systems evolved a strategy of adaptive pattern recognition that allow for the environment to be cognitively modeled or "imagined" based upon the finite nature of it's experience. The nervous system is capable of constructing a seemingly infinite variety of cognitive approximations that are of greater or lesser degree of correspondence to the actual features of reality that they are experiencing. They are not primarily interested in those models with the closest correspondence to reality, but rather to those models meeting their primary adaptive needs at any particular point in time and space. Animal nervous systems are not logic devices, nor are they Truth-seeking devices. They are primarily engaged in adaptive pattern recognition, albeit with Humans, the degrees of creative freedom made available by language, and the constraints of logic, reason, and empiricism; can all be harnessed as techniques for fine tuning the correspondence between the cognitive construct and the outlines of existential reality. But there always remains a limit of validity for the cognitive model, beyond which paradox and contradiction will arise. At best we can expand the range of validity for our cognitive models by reexamining our existing models and modifying their underlying assumptions to be more consistent and coherent with the actual contours of the phenomena we seek to model.

Jtwsaddress42 (discusscontribs) 20:42, 20 November 2022 (UTC)

Stage I - The Emergence of Linguistic Consciousness

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Stage I - The Emergence of Linguistic Consciousness

Phase I - Animism - A World Imbued with Spirit (~150,000 ya)

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Elements of the World are believed to be animate, imbued with spirit, the breath of life.

  • Linguistic Expansion of Gestural Repertoire - Narrative Episodic Memory
  • Memory is not for recalling the past but rather a way learning from the past
  • Thought as linguistic emotion, emotions as non-linguistic thought
  • Culture - Culture As Ancestor Knowledge Transmission
  • Symbolic Enculturation - Symbol linking cultural value systems to emotional value systems via reciprocal co-engagement between care giver and child.
    • There are two sides to the symbol:
      • External - tuned to the environment/Iconic
      • Internal - tuned to state of the individual as reflected by their emotional affect in their environs/Hedonic

Phase II - Shamanism (~30,000 ya)

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  • Shamans, as seasoned and wise elders, are the main transmitters of Culture
  • Myth as the oral tradition - stories of the ancestoral history
  • Dreams of the ancestors as Heroes, Villians, and Gods

Stage II - The Evolution of Religion

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Stage II - The Evolution of Religion

Phase I - Mythical Ancestral Polytheism and Aspects of the Psyche (12,000 ya)

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  • Myth as the Cultures conception of history and the established order
  • Heroes and Villains as Human Potential for Good and Evil
  • The Pantheon - Gods as Aspects of the Psyche

Phase II - The Priesthood and Gods as the External Forces of Nature

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  • Pantheon II - Gods are transformed from aspects of the psyche to external agents of nature
  • The Priesthood becomes the intermediaries between the individual and the Gods
  • Religion becomes a political entity - "Let us exercise power for you in this life so that you may have power in the next"

Phase III - Monotheism - Banishing the Pantheon

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  • The Tribal Diety is elevated to Supreme Deity and The Pantheon of Gods Banished
  • Aspects of the psyche represented by the tribal diety become amplified while aspects of the psyche represented by other members of the pantheon are de-emphasized.

Stage III - The Emergence of The Rational Secular Mindstate

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Stage III - The Emergence of The Rational Secular Mindstate

Phase I - The Alchemists - Seeking Transformations of Spirit via Transformations of Matter

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  • Huge cross-cultural library/database of Material Observations and Ritual accumulates over time along the ancient trading routes uniting the African, European, and Asian Continents as traders and travelers traverse the ancient world.
  • The Printing Press - Broad dissemination of Literature stimulates Intellectual Ferment
  • The Crisis of Ritual and Demonstration - multiple and diverse claims to ritual truths with inconsistent outcomes when others replicate the ritual.

Phase II - The Scientific Revolution, A Culling of Ritual

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  • Many of the Founders of Chemistry and Physics considered themselves to be Alchemists
  • Crisis of Authority - multiple competing claims to the truth - How to decide?
  • Rational Experimental Analysis, Empiricism, & Skepticism - Galileo, Bacon, Descartes
  • Empiricism as a method of resolving disputed claims to authority concerning the truths of physical reality
  • Reexamination of the Alchemical Database leads to A Separation of The Material Quest from The Spiritual Quest via A Culling of Rituals and seeds the sciences of Chemistry and Physics. The Spiritual Quest becomes a Occult Tradition.
  • Scientific Method emerges.

Phase III - The Criteria for Falsifiability

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  • Karl Popper

Notes & Commentary

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Notes & Commentary
  1. Subject to major change, revision ,and/or retraction at any moment.


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List of Citations

Sources & References

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