2022 Beijing Consumption Season

2022 Beijing Consumption Season


As the brand activity of the international consumption center city, 2022 Beijing Consumption Season will last till the end of 2022. With the main theme of “Meet in Beijing, live a happy life”, This year’s consumption season consists 8 sections: Debut Beijing, Fashion Beijing, Chic Shopping in Beijing, Smart Shopping in Beijing, Culture in Beijing, Colorful Beijing, Flavors in Beijing and Beijing Quality, covering 24 representative citywide activities including Debut festival, National trend of fashion in Beijing, Cars purchasing festival, Night life in Beijing, Information consumption festival and so on. These activities will fulfill the growing diversified, high-quality and individualized consumption needs of Beijing citizens.  

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"Black Pearls" in Chaoyang

2022 Black Pearl Restaurant Guide Unveiled!     2/3 of 36 Inscribed Restaurants in Beijing are Located in Chaoyang District


Food is a significant part of a city's culture.

With social and economic development and progress, it is an enjoyment to pursue a healthy, delicious, and delicate food culture.

The Black Pearl Guide has become a road sign for diners in China.


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