Olympic Forest Park


Address: No.33, Kehui Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

A national 5A tourist attraction, Beijing Olympic Forest Park brings tourists an attractive environment and landscape in an area of 11.59 square kilometres. The spatial layout of the park from north to south presents three main landscapes: the dragon-style water system, the central avenue and the green belt. The 680-hectare Olympic Forest Park in the north is the "lung" of Beijing. It is also the first "Park for Double Olympics" in the world.


Ritan Park


Address: No.6, Ritan North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Ritan Park, first built in 1530, was originally a place for the emperors of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty to hold ceremonies to worship the god of the sun. At first, the altar was a white stone table, with a red glaze on its top, representing the sun. When holding the ceremony, every sacrificial utensil must be in red and the emperors must also be in red clothes. Nowadays, its area has quadrupled, with thousands of trees and vast grassland. To the east, there are ancient cypresses. To the west, you will find cherry blossoms. Fountains, rockeries and vinery, all things are reshaped to resemble either the sun, or the spring waters, or the birds and the fish. What a nice place for you to walk in.

The Sun Park

Chaoyang Park


Address: No.1, South Chaoyang Park Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Based on ecological landscapes, Chaoyang Park is a multi-functional park serving cultural, recreational and sports purposes. It is a national AAAA tourist attraction, a key park and elite park in Beijing, and the largest park within the Fourth Ring Road. The total planned area is 288.7 hectares, with a water area of 67 hectares and a green coverage rate of 87%. Major scenic spots are the Fountain Square, Origin of Life, Island by Water, Spring Flower Garden, Eco-stream, Beach Paradise and Sports Center. The park houses the Beach Volleyball court of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. It is believed that Chaoyang Park plays an important role in upgrading the ecological environment in eastern Beijing and enriching residents’ cultural life.


Red Scarf Park


Address: No.5, Houbalizhuang, Chaoyang District, Beijing

The 41.99-hectare Red Scarf Park boasts 15.81 hectares of green space and 12.86 hectares of water area, with a green coverage of 94%. The landscape layout can be vividly concluded as two rings, three zones and thirteen scenic spots: the outer ring of fitness and the inner ring of sightseeing; the south cultural zone promoting Red Scarf culture and displaying cultural artefacts; the north wetland zone highlighting water resources with wetland plants and plank roads; the west sports zone featuring a modern style square and sculptures that promote sportsmanship. Thirteen attractions are linked together along the three scenic zones.


Jiangfu Park


Address: No.10, Linjia, East Bajianfang Village, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Jiangfu Park is a country park featuring a forest environment and is also a holiday resort. Designed with the concept of "making full use of the existing woodland and exploring the historical and cultural heritage of Jiangtai area", the park combines nature and humanity in a way that people find enjoyment. Humanistic attractions, such as the Mural of Liquor Immortal, reflect the history, culture and regional characteristics of the area, and provide a green space for nearby residents to get close to nature, exercise, entertain and enjoy the culture.


Ba River


Ba River starts from the North Moat in the west to Wenyu River in the east, running 21.63 kilometres and covering a watershed area of 158.4 square kilometres. The main tributaries include Tucheng River, Beixiao River and Liangma River. It functions as a main flooding zone for central Beijing and an important water corridor connecting the central city with the sub-centre. This river is also an integral part of Beijing’s Grand Canal Cultural Belt and a valuable waterfront ecological space in the fourth embassy zone.


Olympic Sea


Located at the northern end of the central axis of the Olympic Green, the Olympic Sea sees the main mountain in the north and the south entrance of the Olympic Forest Park in the south. The northwestern part takes advantage of the nearly 10-metre height difference to create a terraced wetland area for sightseeing. The eastern and northeastern parts are connected with the water systems of Biyu Park and Wuli Park, and with the Qinghe River diversion channel (the route of which is adjusted according to the topography of the main mountain) across the main mountain. It is like a waterscape with lakes, wetlands, rivers and canals.


Wenyu River


Wandering through Wenyu River Park, visitors enjoy the views of the pellucid lake, soft reeds, fresh lotus, lush aquatic plants, playful fish, red flowers, green trees, and water ripples to name a few. With lakes, streams, rivers, and mudflats, Wenyu River draws a vivid picture of harmony between humans and nature with pellucid water and a green shore.

Water is the lifeline of Wenyu River Park. In the park with a diversified water system, you’ll always find lakes, rivers, wetlands, creeks and mudflats. Capable of natural purification, the wetland provides clean water for the sub-centre and downstream areas. Considering the local conditions, Chaoyang Demonstration Area combines artificial wetlands and natural ones and thus enriches and diversifies the regional habitats through the creation of a variety of wetland landscape forms such as surface wetlands, lake wetlands, river wetlands and mudflat wetlands.