Needs assessments

Needs assessments

Secretariat of the WHO FCTC
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The Meeting of the Parties (MOP) to the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, through decision FCTC/MOP2(7), requested the Secretariat of the WHO FCTC (Convention Secretariat) to support Parties in assessing their needs and obtaining appropriate assistance.

In decision FCTC/MOP2(11), considering that the mobilization of funding to support the implementation of  the Protocol requires detailed needs assessment at the country level, the MOP adopted the Strategy for Mechanisms of Assistance and Mobilization of Financial Resources to support implementation of the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products. This strategy includes the development of a comprehensive needs assessment methodology to assess gaps and needs in the implementation of the Protocol.

In line with the decisions of the MOP, the Convention Secretariat developed needs assessment process and methodology to assist Parties in identifying the objectives to be achieved under the Protocol, the resources available to achieve these objectives and any gaps in resources required for the implementation of the Protocol. The development of this methodology has been guided by the existing needs assessment methodology, used for the WHO FCTC. The methodology will be adjusted and validated after a pilot phase with selected official development assistance (ODA) eligible countries.

The pilot needs assessments will be carried out jointly with the national government concerned. Each need assessment exercise will have three phases: the pre-needs assessment phase, in which the Secretariat studies relevant documents and Party reports, and prepares a detailed program; the needs assessment mission, during which an international team interacts with the various national stakeholders and other relevant International intergovernmental and Non-Governmental organizations ; and the post-mission and follow-up phase, in which the Secretariat finalizes the needs assessment report in cooperation with national stakeholders and works with the government and international partners to develop national action strategy/plan to implement the jointly agreed recommendations.

Only Parties to the Protocol are eligible for a needs assessment exercise. Parties to the WHO FCTC that are not yet Parties to the Protocol can use the self-assessment checklist to assess their legal, regulatory and policy frameworks in view of the requirements of the Protocol.


Post-needs assessment assistance

Parties that will have conducted joint needs assessments may be provided with post-needs assessment assistance. Assistance will be provided to Parties to accelerate implementation of the Protocol in areas where priority needs have been identified. 


Information on the Protocol needs assessment exercise