

The Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products (Protocol) is a relatively new legal instrument to address a global problem that is undermining the efforts to reduce the consumption of tobacco and its consequences in health. As a new instrument, it requires advocacy and visibility for building partnerships and promote cooperation. Continued intersectoral and international collaboration, including cooperation with relevant international organizations, is crucial to its successful implementation.

Several decisions of the First Meeting of the Parties (MOP1) have requested the Convention Secretariat to:

  • Seek to establish formal cooperative relations with relevant IGOs and to seek to participate in the meetings of the governing bodies of these organizations in order to promote the visibility of the Protocol and the activities related to it - Decision FCTC/MOP1(5) 1.b
  • Actively participate in international or regional meetings related to illicit trade in tobacco products in order to promote the Protocol and the activities related to it - Decision FCTC/MOP1(5) 1.c
  • Continue its engagement with WHO and other relevant international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to support the implementation of the Protocol -  Decision FCTC/MOP1(9)

Besides that, the MOP1 invited competent international and regional IGOs, including financial and development institutions to:

  • (a) support the implementation of the Protocol in accordance with their mandates and expertise and, in line with Article 5.3 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, to prevent undue interference from the tobacco industry and industries with other vested interests;
  • (b) apply for observer status to the MOP on the basis of their expertise and according to the rules of their own governing bodies as well as the Rules of Procedure of the Meeting of the Parties. - Decision FCTC/MOP1(5)



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