Reporting instrument

Reporting instrument

In November 2010, at its fourth session, the COP decided to adopt a single reporting instrument for Parties' biennial reports that has been amended a few times afterwards.

The reporting instrument consists of a core questionnaire mandatory for all Parties and the “additional questions on the use of implementation guidelines adopted by the Conference of the Parties”, which aims to facilitate voluntary submission of such information by the Parties.

Core questionnaire

Parties are requested to complete the core questionnaire online. The questionnaire can be accessed through a link sent by e-mail to the WHO FCTC technical focal point of the respective country. The Word and PDF versions of the core questionnaire are available below. They are for information only. The questionnaires are to be completed on the reporting platform.

The questions contained in the online reporting instrument can be found in the file below. This version is for information only and should not be used for completion and submission.

Additional questions

Step-by-step instructions

The step-by-step instructions for the completion of this questionnaire is available below.

Presentation on reporting

A presentation on Parties reporting in the 2020 reporting cycle can be found below.

📹 Video : Webinar Reporting under the WHO FCTC and the Protocol 2020