

Services et conseil en informatique

Paris, Île-de-France 15 829 abonnés

Shaping the future of technology & transactions. Putting people at the core of our processes.

À propos

Companies rely on B2C tools (smartphones) to digitize their business operations, which causes a lack of privacy & security, a high risk of stolen smartphones, and complex deployments. That’s why Famoco has designed mobile devices with zero-street-value, protecting your privacy, and remotely manageable from one SaaS platform. It allows you to deploy any business app in the field quickly and securely.

Site web
Services et conseil en informatique
Taille de l’entreprise
51-200 employés
Siège social
Paris, Île-de-France
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Android Device, Aadhaar, Secure OS, Payment, Mobile Banking, Enterprise Mobility, Access control, KYC, Logistics, Digital Transactions, Know Your Customer, Facilities Management, Cashless, RFID, Mobile Device Management, Transaction Validation, Branchless Banking, Warehousing, eGovernance, Mobile Ticketing, Digital Vouchers, Secure Android, Cloud Device Management, Mobile Application Management, Kiosk Mode et Enterprise Mobility Management


Employés chez Famoco


  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Famoco, visuel

    15 829  abonnés

    Zoom on our e-voucher solution 🔎 Governments and NGOs are crucial actors in providing essential items to populations in need. To assist beneficiaries, they develop Cash & Voucher Assistance programs, which often rely on the distribution of paper vouchers. However, this support comes with several challenges: 📄 Paper volatility: Paper vouchers are susceptible to being lost, stolen, or damaged. 🚨 Fraud: Vouchers are easy to duplicate and there is no proof of the voucher holder rights. ❌ No traceability: The lack of traceability can lead to stock disparities and make it difficult to ensure that aid is distributed fairly and accurately 🔓 Unprotected data: A significant amount of sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) must be processed, which can be vulnerable to leaks and breaches Famoco's expertise enables the creation of secure solutions tailored to the needs of the organizations we work with. Let's take a look at what our e-voucher solution entails in the context of a food program : 1️⃣ Enrollment and identification of beneficiaries with secure credentials, who will receive a personalized card 2️⃣ Purchase of food items through swift and secure transactions using Famoco devices  3️⃣ Monitoring Transactions and Terminal Activities enabling a comprehensive tracking and reporting Famoco technology is based on its own operating system, guaranteeing the protection of user and beneficiary data through synchronization only with the Famoco server. The solution presented in the video here ⬇️📱 is a digital mobile application we created to equip merchants. The benefits: ✅ Delivery to the right person  🔒 Privacy by design  📊 Accurate reporting for better informed decisions #HumanitarianAid #TechForGood #Innovation #SecureTransactions #DigitalSolutions

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Famoco, visuel

    15 829  abonnés

    Un nouveau chapitre de l'encaissement et du paiement s’ouvre 📱💳 La semaine dernière, nous avons eu le plaisir de recevoir dans nos locaux parisiens Eddy Dorigny et Rodrigue Le Gall, ainsi que Laurent Garetti et Fatima KHELLOUF afin d’échanger sur nos expertises et sur le développement de nos solutions mutuelles. Grâce à nos savoir-faire complémentaires, nous co-construisons des projets technologiques innovants apportant de la valeur ajoutée aux entreprises et professionnels 🚀 1- Les solutions d'encaissement et bornes libre service de iotill 2- Notre application mobile MPOC (SoftPos + PIN on Glass), Famoco Pay 3- Les services monétiques du Groupe Sextant Nous tenons à remercier chaleureusement les équipes pour leur engagement et leur collaboration 🤝 Eddy Dorigny Rodrigue Le Gall Laurent Garetti Fatima KHELLOUF Benoit RAVIER Gilles Lerideaux Ferhaj Chowdhary David Rabuat Jeremy Robin Stanislas Villanova Avinashsingh Chandhok #paiement #paiementmobile #innovation

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  • Famoco a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Fawad ALI, visuel

    Gestion/développement d’entreprise - Programme de transformation(transversal multiculturel) Afrique - Moyen-Orient - Asie Industrie des télécommunications Design Thinking, Stratégie Blue Ocean, Industrie numérique Crypto

    ✨ Retour sur un événement marquant ! ✨ Nous avons eu le plaisir de participer à un séminaire à Casablanca, une ville emblématique et en constante expansion, véritable carrefour des cultures et des affaires. 🇲🇦 Cette rencontre a été l’occasion de travailler main dans la main avec les directeurs et directrices des différents pays de la région Afrique et Moyen-Orient. Un grand merci à eux pour leur engagement et leur vision partagée. Chez Famoco nous sommes déterminés à accompagner nos partenaires dans leur transformation digitale et leur expansion internationale. Grâce à nos outils innovants, nous sommes embarqués à 100% pour fournir les meilleures solutions de digitalisation. Casablanca, avec son dynamisme et son histoire riche, symbolise parfaitement l’ambition et la modernité que nous souhaitons apporter à nos partenaires. Ensemble, nous allons plus loin ! #Famoco #TransformationDigitale #Expansion #Casablanca #Innovation #AfriqueEtMoyenOrient

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Famoco, visuel

    15 829  abonnés

    Famoco est ravie de rejoindre French Postal Suppliers Alliance (FPSA) pour unir nos solutions innovantes au service des opérations postales mondiales !

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    15 829  abonnés

    Joyeux 15e anniversaire Fast Forward ! 🎉 Fast Forward est l’incubateur qui accompagne Famoco et d’autres startups innovantes dans un cadre de coworking collaboratif. Nous sommes fiers de faire partie de cet écosystème et toujours plus motivés à apprendre et grandir aux côtés d’une communauté dynamique et ambitieuse 🚀 A l’occasion de son 15e anniversaire, Fast Forward a convié les start-ups qu’ils soutiennent pour un moment convivial et festif dans les cours du Crédit Municipal de Paris, en plein cœur du Marais 📍 La team Famoco a été ravie d’y participer 📸 Un grand merci aux dirigeants de notre fond d’investissement Isabelle Budd et Olivier Guillaumin, à Loriane BEGUIN qui a réalisé un événement sur mesure, à la talentueuse photographe Sarah Guillaumin Haddad, ainsi qu’à tous ceux et toutes celles qui ont contribué à cette merveilleuse soirée ✨ Big up à antvoice, Blacklight Media Technologies, Captain Data, Carbon Mobile, DiamPark, doo!, Electis, iara., Intersec, Ksaar, MaCotisation, Octolo.tech, OmnyAI, pony, Qomon, Scalens et Sharesub 👏💪 #incubateur #startups

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Famoco, visuel

    15 829  abonnés

    High five ✋ At Famoco, our corporate culture is built on five powerful values, which we associate with the following words: listening, caring, being curious & looking for challenges and results. Here’s what they mean to us: 1. We put ourselves in our customers’ shoes 👟 -  “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning”    2. We care for each other 🤝 -  “Success is a collective effort” 3. We dive deep and cultivate excellence 📚 - “If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.” 4. We volunteer changes and constantly challenge ourselves 🚀 - “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act but a habit.” 5. We get it done 🙌🏻 - “Ideas without execution are hallucinations”, a quote by Thomas A. Edison Swipe the slides 👇 The Famoco team brings together the expertise of over 100 collaborators from around the world 🌎 who believe in the power of collective effort to serve all our clients equally. Our CSR policies reflect our commitment to fostering an inclusive and fair workplace where innovation thrives, ideas are shared, and we all learn together. Interested in joining the team? Check our offers on https://lnkd.in/eJcQHNF6 💼 #commitment #corporatevalues #tech4good

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Famoco, visuel

    15 829  abonnés

    Our team is looking forward to meeting you at Transport Ticketing North America 2024! 🚌✨ Next week, Lionel Baraban and Nico Passaro will be attending the new edition of the world's leading smart ticketing, fare collection, and mobility forum. This year, the event will take place on June 17 and 18 in Chicago 🏙️📍 Feel free to contact them now to arrange a meeting before the event! 📅 #publictransport #transportticketing #transitpayments #farecollection

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Famoco, visuel

    15 829  abonnés

    See you at AidEx - The Global Humanitarian Aid Event? AidEx brings together participants from UN agencies, Red Cross and Red Crescent societies, local and international NGOs, donors, foundations, government, and the private sector from 94 countries 🌍🤝 📍 Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi 📅 12-13 June Today, Emmanuel Rudolf Jocondo will be able to present Famoco’s e-voucher solution and explore with you how to revitalize Humanitarian and Development Assistance in the context of a funding shortage. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and share ideas with us! #AidEx2024 #HumanitarianAid #Innovation 

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Famoco, visuel

    15 829  abonnés

    🌍🔋 Long live our batteries! In response to the rising greenhouse effects, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has emphasized the need to reduce global emissions by 45% by 2030 to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. As an international tech company, we recognize our responsibility and have actively sought impactful ways to reduce our carbon footprint associated with the production and transportation of our batteries. What could be better than collaborating to achieve this? Let us share how we made it happen 👇 ⚡The challenge To ensure optimal use of our devices for our clients, we used to replace the batteries after one year even if they were still functioning. Therefore, we looked for solutions to maximize the lifespan of our batteries. This is where VoltR comes in, a specialist in lithium battery reconditioning. This French startup can diagnose our batteries remotely and provide us with the SOH (State of Health) of each cell. This information indicates the ideal time to replace the batteries. 📈The results From now on, batteries can be processed and used until their end of life thanks to their characterization by our local partner. In a few numbers, this represents:      ♻️ 350kg of waste avoided per year      🔄 Reuse of 70% of tested batteries 🚀 We're not stopping there… This initiative is part of our effort to achieve the Lean & Green Europe certification. Our action plan also includes device repair centers for our customers in Africa, reducing the weight and distance of material shipments, and much more, which we will detail very soon. VoltR recently published an article explaining our partnership, with a special nod to Simon Regnier, our Logistics Manager. Check out the link we shared in the comments 📝👓 #TechInnovation #Tech4good #Sustainability

  • Famoco a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Fawad ALI, visuel

    Gestion/développement d’entreprise - Programme de transformation(transversal multiculturel) Afrique - Moyen-Orient - Asie Industrie des télécommunications Design Thinking, Stratégie Blue Ocean, Industrie numérique Crypto

    Excited to share that I will be attending Identity Week this Tuesday, June 11, in Amsterdam! Looking forward to engaging discussions and new connections. If you’re attending, I’d love to meet and chat. Let’s connect! #IdentityWeek #Networking #Amsterdam




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