This story is from July 31, 2020

Theatre actors shoot play for online audience

Theatre actors shoot play for online audience
Theatre shows have taken a hit due to the pandemic and artistes are beginning to feel the need for a creative outlet. In such a scenario, the play Juddhokhetro got a new form of presentation. It was shot exclusively to be run online for the audience.
“One of my friends has been working for musicians who are out of a livelihood due to the pandemic as their shows have been cancelled.He then had this idea also for theatre artistes who are unable to perform to a packed hall since long now. We decided to rent a hall and enact a play in full costume and makeup. We shot the play using three cameras. It was of course an empty hall but we took all help of technology like lapels, sound and editing softwares for the finished work. It was a unique experience,” said actor Shantilal Mukherjee, who is part of the play.
The actors in the play have bittersweet memories of shooting it. For most of them it was good to get back to work but the usual magic of theatre was missing. “Those of us who are into theatre, we breathe theatre in our everyday lives. But this pandemic has put a halt to our passion. When this opportunity came we lapped it up because we were itching to get back to work and connect with the audience. Though filming it for online platforms is never a replacement for a hall full of audience and their immediate reactions. Yet, I was happy to reconnect with my colleagues, wear the costumes and makeup after so long,” said theatre personality Nandini Bhowmik, who also acted in the play.
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