Ekda Yeun Tar Bagha

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Ekda Yeun Tar Bagha

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Ekda Yeun Tar Bagha


A man inherits a large property that promises to turn his luck around. An unexpected series of events put a question on whether the acquisition is actually a bane.
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Ekda Yeun Tar Bagha Movie Review : You may find the movie interesting if you're a fan of Marathi comedy shows

Critic's Rating: 1.5/5
Much like the title, 'Ekda Yeun Tar Bagha Return Janaar Nahi' takes far too long to get to the point.

Shravan (Girish Kulkarni) is a hard on his luck man who sets up a hotel on his ancestral property. This leads to multiple accidents that result in a lot of slapstick antics. The plot of the film is ripe for shenanigans, but is squeezed to the extreme. With comedic talents such as Onkar Bhojane, Bhau Kadam, Namrata Sambherao, Paddy Kamble and Vishakha Subhedar, one expects rolling laughter every other minute. The movie however, disappoints greatly in this regard.

While there are definite moments where you laugh out loud, they are few and far between. Cinematography is particularly bad, with noticeable blocking errors.

The cast gives passable performances with forced jokes and Kulkarni primarily carries the show. The songs are quite catchy and redeem the film to a certain limit but they're not enough to get you through the entire runtime. You may find 'Ekda Yeun'… interesting if you're a fan of Marathi comedy shows like 'Maharashtrachi Hasya Jatra', but otherwise, this one can be given a pass.

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User Chavan978134 days ago

horrible story and a pathetic screenplay. I cannot believe, with so many good actors of the likes of Girish Kulkarni, the film fails to make any impression. What was the intention to make such a low grade film, I do not understand. How come producers invest money in such ventures is a big question. And then they will blame the Marathi audience do not watch films in theatres. Why should they waste their money on such films. Instead they will donate the money to charity.

pramod totewad135222 days ago

Nice movie,direction and starcast..

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