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The latest science news, photos and videos covering space, the environment, human development and more.

In case you missed it

Deaths during Hajj: How this year's pilgrimage turned fatal

Witnesses described people vomiting and fainting in the extreme heat as they attempted to perform the Hajj rituals around Mecca.
About 1.8 million people from all over the world, many old and infirm, took part in the days-long, mostly outdoor pilgrimage, held this year during the oven-like Saudi summer.
About 1.8 million people from all over the world, many old and infirm, took part in the days-long, mostly outdoor pilgrimage, held this year during the oven-like Saudi summer.

Gassy cows and pigs will face a carbon tax in Denmark — a world first

Denmark will tax livestock farmers for the greenhouse gases their animals emit, starting in 2030.
A herd of cows near Allerup, Denmark.
A herd of cows near Allerup, Denmark.
4d ago

CDC issues dengue fever alert in the U.S.

This year, the incidence of dengue fever globally has been the highest on record, as countries report increasingly hot temperatures — ideal for mosquitoes that spread dengue to hatch.
A female Aedes aegypti mosquito acquires a blood meal on the arm of a researcher
A female Aedes aegypti mosquito acquires a blood meal on the arm of a researcher

A tragic week of extreme weather offers a glimpse at what's to come

The severe weather around the globe recently — from devastating flooding to life-threatening heat — is making climate change’s threat very real.
A laborer is silhouetted against the setting sun as he bathes on a hot summer day in Jammu
A laborer is silhouetted against the setting sun as he bathes on a hot summer day in Jammu
5d ago

NASA astronauts' return on Boeing's spaceship has been delayed repeatedly

The two NASA astronauts who flew Boeing’s Starliner capsule to the space station this month have been in orbit longer than anticipated — and will stay there for now.
NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore
NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore

New weight loss drugs are coming, and they could burn more fat with fewer side effects

Researchers at the American Diabetes Association conference in Orlando are expected to present data on 27 GLP-1 drugs in development. Others target a different hormone.
Photo Illustration: An abstraction of semiglutide injectors
Photo Illustration: An abstraction of semiglutide injectors

Storm chasers catch a deadly tornado in a rare intercept

Scientists captured a wealth of data from a powerful twister that recently tore through Iowa. It could inform research for years to come.

Levels of contamination in the Seine remain unsafe for Paris Olympians, report says

During the Paris Olympics this summer, marathon swimming and triathlon athletes are slated to swim in the Seine. But cleanup efforts may be falling short.
The river is planned to be used for events in the Paris Olympic Games 2024, including the swimming portion of the triathlon, but concerns of E.coli levels in the water are putting the use of the river in jeopardy.
The river is planned to be used for events in the Paris Olympic Games 2024, including the swimming portion of the triathlon, but concerns of E.coli levels in the water are putting the use of the river in jeopardy.

California to become third state to mandate heat protections for indoor workers

The state's new standards could go into effect by early August.
A professional wielder.
A professional wielder.

The Iberian lynx is back from the brink of extinction, thanks to conservation efforts

In 2001, there were only 62 mature Iberian lynx on the Iberian Peninsula. Now, the animal is barely a vulnerable species.
Iberian lynx cubs.
Iberian lynx cubs.

Climate change made killer heat wave in Southwest even warmer and 35 times more likely

In a new flash study, researchers looked at current and past temperatures and compared a simulated, fictional world without climate change to the current reality.
Margarita Salazar wipes sweat off her brow inside her home amid high heat in Veracruz, Mexico
Margarita Salazar wipes sweat off her brow inside her home amid high heat in Veracruz, Mexico