Woman sues European telecom giant for paying salary for 20 years without giving any work

Suing Orange, Laurence Van Wassenhove faced professional limbo and discrimination by lack of accommodations, highlighting a legal battle over work environment and disability rights.
Woman sues European telecom giant for paying salary for 20 years without giving any work
In a bizarre legal case, a French woman is suing telecommunications giant Orange for allegedly paying her full salary for 20 years without assigning her any work
Why woman has sued his employerLaurence Van Wassenhove claims that she was effectively "shelved" by the company after requesting a transfer due to her disability. Wassenhove, who has partial paralysis and epilepsy, was reportedly hired by Orange's predecessor, France Telecom, in 1993.
Initially, she held roles suitable for her limitations, working as a secretary and in human resources. However, in 2002, she requested a transfer to a different region within France.
According to Van Wassenhove's lawyers, her transfer request was approved but the new workspace wasn't adapted for her needs. However, instead of offering a suitable alternative, Orange allegedly stopped assigning her any work tasks altogether.
Despite receiving her full salary for the next two decades, Van Wassenhove claims she faced "moral harassment" due to this situation. She argues that being paid without any work duties resulted in isolation and a loss of professional purpose.
Company denies discriminationOrange, on the other hand, maintains that it acted appropriately. They claim they took Van Wassenhove's medical condition into account and explored options for her to "return to work in an adapted position." However, the company says that her regular sick leave made this process difficult.
Van Wassenhove's lawyers argue that Orange failed to provide reasonable accommodations for her disability, essentially forcing her into a state of professional limbo
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