Sir Robbie Gibb

Non-executive director; Member for England

Sir Robbie Gibb
Sir Robbie Gibb, Non-executive director; Member for England

Roles and responsibilities

  • As one of the non-exec directors on the BBC Board, Robbie is responsible for upholding and protecting the independence of the BBC by acting in the public interest and exercising independent judgement.
  • He is also responsible for ensuring that the BBC fulfils its mission to inform, educate and entertain and promotes its public purposes.
  • Robbie helps ensure that the Board’s decision-making is in the public interest, informed by the best interests of the audience and with appropriate regard to the impact of decisions on the wider media market in the UK.
  • Non-executive directors play a key role in ensuring that the BBC maintains the highest standards of corporate governance, particularly with respect to financial reporting, internal control and risk management.

Term of appointment: 7 May 2021 - 6 May 2028


Sir Robbie Gibb had a long career as a broadcast journalist in BBC News - he was head of BBC Westminster and Editor of Live Political Programmes, as well as Deputy Editor of BBC Two’s Newsnight. He left the BBC in 2017 to become Director of Communications at No10 Downing Street, stepping down in 2019. He also previously worked as an Editorial Advisor to GB News, until October 2020. Sir Robbie now works as a senior communications adviser at Kekst CNC and is a Director of the Jewish Chronicle newspaper.


The fees for non-executive directors of the BBC Board are set by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.

Non-executive directors receive a base fee of £33,000 per annum.

Robbie Gibb receives £5,000 p.a. as chair of the England Committee and an additional fee of £5,000 p.a. as chair of the Chair of the Remuneration Committee.

Total fees paid each year: £43,000 per annum.

Expenses and central bookings

Expenses are costs incurred by BBC staff on behalf of the BBC and claimed through the BBC's expenses system.

Central bookings are costs incurred on behalf of the BBC and booked through the BBC's central bookings system. Both expenses and central bookings are published every three months.


Gifts and Hospitality Register

Gifts and hospitality may only be accepted in line with BBC policy. Information about gifts and hospitality is published every three months.


  • Robbie Gibb had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q4 2022-23
  • Robbie Gibb had no gifts or hospitality to declare in Q3 2022-23

Declaration of personal interests

Staff must make a declaration of their personal and business interests, including any memberships or directorships of public or industry bodies, and any shareholdings, as well as any interests that their immediate families may also have.

A summary is published where there is something to declare and where there is nothing to declare. Occasionally an individual will have something to declare but due to the personal nature of the declaration we do not publish details as to do so would breach the General Data Protection Regulation.

This information is published annually, although if any amendments are made during the year an updated summary will be published if necessary as soon as it is available.


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