Joint ILO/IMO/BC Working Group on Ship Scrapping

IMO cooperates with the International Labour Organization and the relevant bodies of the Basel Convention on ship recycling. A Joint Working Group on Ship Scrapping established by IMO, the International Labour Organization and the Conference of Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal concluded its third meeting in Geneva in October 2008.

The overall task set by the three Organizations for the Group is to act as a platform for consultation, coordination and cooperation in relation to their work programmes and activities with regard to issues related to ship scrapping. The Group aims to promote a coordinated approach to the relevant aspects of ship scrapping with the aim of avoiding duplication of work and overlapping of roles, responsibilities and competencies between the three Organizations, and identifying further needs.

The three Organizations believe that ship recycling can contribute to sustainable development, which can only be achieved through the minimization of the environmental, safety and occupational health risks related to the ship dismantling process. The three Organizations are convinced that, by addressing such risks, the long-term sustainability of this important industry will be assured; and its contribution to sustainable development can be enhanced.

The Joint Working Group has recommended that each Organization invite the other two Organizations to participate in the workshops or seminars organized by the Organization and that each Organization include in the programme of its activities a section providing information on the Guidelines of the other two Organizations. Governments and other stakeholders are also invited to provide information to the three Organizations on any technical cooperation activities or other relevant initiatives already launched or planned so that these activities could be taken into account in the future technical cooperation programmes of the Organizations.