Kansas City Chiefs

Randi Mahomes, merciless on social media against Patrick's haters

Tries to reduce the negative impact on mental well-being

Patrick and Randi Mahomes
Patrick and Randi MahomesLaPresse

Being the mother of Patrick Mahomes, one of the NFL's top quarterbacks, has subjected Randi to numerous harsh comments and online attacks.

On social media platforms, she has learned to block trolls preemptively, reducing the negative impact on her mental well-being.

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Randi has also advised her loved ones not to waste energy defending her online, a decision that has been crucial in developing her resilience.

This strength has helped her handle criticism directed not only at her but also at her children.

Blocked thousands of users

Meanwhile, Randi highlights that people often change their perceptions when they meet Patrick's younger brother, Jackson, and his half-sister, Mia, in person.

She believes that personal interactions provide a more accurate picture of her family than what is seen on social media.

"I've blocked thousands of people on social media, but there are times I look and see so much hate directed at me and my children," she said on the 'The Mom Game Podcast.'

"Sometimes I respond, saying, 'You have a beautiful family, and I would never say anything ugly about your family without knowing them.' Often, they apologize, but I can't do that for everyone."

Misjudged siblings

Randi went on to claim that meeting Patrick Mahomes' siblings, Jackson and Mia, in person can completely change perceptions, as she believes they are often misjudged due to hasty conclusions based on limited online interactions.

"When people meet Mia and Jackson, they love them and realize they're great kids," she added.

"They're just looking at Patrick on a pedestal and trying to tear everything else down. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy."

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