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Ex-Rep. Adam Kinzinger, a vocal GOP critic of Trump's, endorses Biden ahead of debate

“Donald Trump poses a direct threat to every fundamental American value," Kinzinger said in his endorsement video, adding, "There is too much at stake to sit on the sidelines."
Adam Kinzinger
Adam Kinzinger


1d ago


Progressives form 'Global Migration' caucus to reshape U.S. immigration debate

“We Democrats have done a terrible job in actually talking about immigration,” says Rep. Delia Ramirez, who co-chairs the caucus with Reps. Greg Casar and Sydney Kamlager-Dove.
Migrants At The US-Mexico Border
Migrants At The US-Mexico Border

Trump-backed pastor loses in South Carolina runoff

Boebert's victory comes after she switched congressional districts, while Bowman lost in a race that included the most ad spending ever in a House primary.
Photo Illustration: Joe Biden and Donald Trump
Photo Illustration: Joe Biden and Donald Trump

Olympic champion swimmers tell Congress U.S. athletes have lost faith in anti-doping regulator

Gold medal athletes Michael Phelps and Allison Schmitt gave prepared testimony Tuesday before a House subcommittee.
Image: Allison Schmitt Michael Phelps sworn in testimony
Image: Allison Schmitt Michael Phelps sworn in testimony
2d ago

House committee to vote on holding Biden's ghostwriter in contempt

The resolution, backed by Republicans on the Judiciary Committee, is expected to advance Thursday in a party-line vote.
 Jim Jordan at the Capitol
 Jim Jordan at the Capitol

Senators demand transparency from anti-doping agency ahead of Paris Olympics

The senators cite reports that the agency allowed Chinese swimmers to compete in the 2021 Olympics after they tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs.
A view of the Eiffel Tower adorned with The Olympic Rings.
A view of the Eiffel Tower adorned with The Olympic Rings.

Police officer attacked on Jan. 6 'sick' over Republican welcome of Trump at Capitol

Aquilino Gonell said Republicans who welcomed Trump are alive today because of his and his colleagues' actions, "not the guy they are receiving as a hero."
Aquilino Gonell
Aquilino Gonell

Democrats target 150-year-old 'zombie law,' warning the GOP could use it to ban abortion

Senators are seeking to repeal the Comstock Act of 1873 as reproductive rights supporters fear a future president could use it as a back door to curtail abortion nationwide.
Tina Smith.
Tina Smith.

GOP lawmaker demands Biden admin declassify intel on Russia’s nuclear anti-satellite program

The White House rejected Rep. Mike Turner’s criticism over how it has responded to Russia’s anti-satellite work, saying the administration takes the threat “very seriously.”
Mike Turner
Mike Turner
8d ago

Nancy Pelosi and other U.S. lawmakers meet with Dalai Lama, a move likely to anger China

The congressional delegation visited the Tibetan spiritual leader, who lives in exile in India, as President Joe Biden is poised to sign a bill pressuring China to resolve tensions with Tibet.
A group of senior US lawmakers including former House speaker Nancy Pelosi met on June 19 with the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government-in-exile in India, sparking heavy criticism from China.
A group of senior US lawmakers including former House speaker Nancy Pelosi met on June 19 with the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government-in-exile in India, sparking heavy criticism from China.
9d ago

Congressional Budget Office raises this year's federal budget deficit projection by $400B

The nonpartisan CBO also projects that U.S. publicly held debt is set to increase from 99% of gross domestic product at the end of 2024 to a record 122% of GDP by the end of 2034.
CBO Director Phillip Swagel Testifies In House Budget Committee Hearing
CBO Director Phillip Swagel Testifies In House Budget Committee Hearing