Brighton cat killer Steve Bouquet jailed for five years

Steve Bouquet killed nine cats and maimed seven between October 2018 and June 2019
Steve Bouquet killed nine cats and maimed seven between October 2018 and June 2019

A former Royal Navy gunner has been jailed for more than five years after he was found guilty of killing nine cats and maiming seven more.

Dubbed the Brighton Cat Killer, Steve Bouquet, 54, a shopping centre security guard, stabbed at least 16 pet cats between October 2018 and June 2019. The authorities fear that he could be responsible for more than 30 cat attacks in the city. He was charged with 16 offences of criminal damage because, under present legislation, cats and other animals are deemed to be property.

He failed to appear at court for his trial last month and was tried and convicted in his absence of all 16 charges of criminal damage and the possession of a bladed article.

Police apprehended