King Felipe refuses to stand for Bolívar’s sword at Colombian inauguration

King Felipe stayed seated as the sword of Simón Bolívar passed him, although other dignitaries stood up as a sign of respect
King Felipe stayed seated as the sword of Simón Bolívar passed him, although other dignitaries stood up as a sign of respect

King Felipe of Spain is caught up in controversy for failing to stand alongside other dignitaries at the inauguration of the incoming Colombian president.

At the ceremony for Gustavo Petro on Sunday soldiers paraded a sword belonging to Simón Bolívar, a symbol of the revolutionary’s fight against Spanish imperialism. Felipe stayed seated as other guests stood up as a mark of respect.

Unidas Podemos, an alliance of left-wing parties and the junior partner in the Socialist-led coalition government in Spain, criticised the king.

Ione Belarra, leader of the group and minister for social rights, called on the king to apologise on behalf of Spain, calling the sword “a solemn symbol of the independence and sovereignty of a number of sister countries in Latin America”.
