‘I wrote a gothic novel inspired by my island house on the Thames’

Victoria Scott had intended to move to Sussex, but when she found a property for sale on a car-free island, she changed her mind – despite the risk of flooding

Victoria Scott with her book The House in the Water, penned under the name Victoria Darke
Victoria Scott with her book The House in the Water, penned under the name Victoria Darke
Martina Lees
The Times

In the summer, living on an island in the Thames is like being on holiday all the time. The view from our house is a moving piece of art. The river changes — it’s like a living thing. You never get bored. We have cygnets and ducklings and goslings that visit in spring. The fish jump — big fish — it’s a sight. You hear the woodpeckers tap, tap, tap. As the sun sets, the bats start swooping down over the water to get at the insects (says Victoria Scott, 45).

Because the island is car-free, our children, aged 14 and 9, can run free. They go out in kayaks and swim in the river. We make them wear life jackets and keep