Reform UK candidate to resign over BNP support

Grant StClair-Armstrong, who is standing in Kemi Badenoch’s constituency, invoked Enoch Powell and posted jokes using racial slurs
Grant StClair-Armstrong said there was no excuse for the comments he posted in a blog in 2010
Grant StClair-Armstrong said there was no excuse for the comments he posted in a blog in 2010

The Reform candidate standing in Kemi Badenoch’s constituency has said he will resign after comments emerged in which he called on people to vote for the BNP.

Grant StClair-Armstrong is standing for Reform in North West Essex, where the business secretary is the Conservative candidate.

StClair-Armstrong has run a network of websites over the past 20 years, including a blog he called the “Joli Triste”. In 2010, he posted “I could weep now, every time I pick up a British newspaper and read the latest about the state of the UK. No doubt, Enoch Powell would be doing the same if he was alive. My solution … vote BNP!”

When approached by The Times about the comments, StClair-Armstrong said: “I’ve got no excuses for that.