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Protecting the most vulnerable workers

An information summary for productions on addressing risks of labour exploitation

This information pack sets out our expectations for TV productions in terms of how they have oversight of and behave towards the most vulnerable workers on set, including those that work in set construction, facilities, cleaning, catering, security and transport. The broadcaster members of the TV Industry Human Rights Forum expect productions to take responsibility for all workers on productions, not only those for whom they have direct legal responsibility.

The pack includes summary guidance on:

  • Getting the culture right

  • Vetting suppliers of labour to TV productions appropriately

  • Behaving well in supplier relationships

  • Supporting ancillary workers directly

  • Responding to and remedying issues identified

For each of these areas, more detailed guidance is available if needed, downloadable from the links below.

The pack includes a checklist for productions to identify the steps they will take pre-production, during production and post-production.

Video explainer on tools available

Introducing human rights tools for productions

Vetting suppliers appropriately

Detailed guidance to meet broadcaster expectations

Supporting ancillary workers directly

Detailed guidance on good practice approaches

Information for self-employed workers

Detailed information for workers and a poster to download and put up at productions

Getting the culture right

Detailed guidance to meet broadcaster expectations

Behaving well in supplier relationships

Detailed guidance on good practice approaches

Responding and remedying issues identified

Detailed guidance to prepare and improve responses to issues

Contact us

Get in touch to find out more or to provide feedback on the tools

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