Atzera MaunusSAT •

Artikulu bateko aldaketa nagusiak Lankide batengatik egindako orrialde baterako aldaketa guztiak, orden kronologikoan.

Artikulua SAT (Erregistroa · Orrialdearen historia)
Lankide Maunus (Edizio Kontagailua· Aldaketa nagusiak)
Aldaketak guztira 36
Aldaketa txikiak 1 (% 2,8)
Edizio (semi-)automatikoak 6 (% 16,7)
Lehengoratutako aldaketak 2 (% 5,6)
atbe1 29,8
Gehituta (bytes)2 12.804
Ezabatuta (bytes) −2.172
Aldaketa txikiak · 1 (% 2,8)
Aldaketa handiak · 35 (% 97,2)
Edizio (semi-)automatikoak · 6 (% 16,7)
Eskuzko aldaketak · 30 (% 83,3)
Lehengoratutako aldaketak · 2 (% 5,6)
Leheneratu gabeko aldaketak · 34 (% 94,4)
1 Aldaketen arteko bataz besteko denbora (egunetan)
2 Gehitutako testua edozein gehiketa positiboa da, hurrengo edizioan berriro itzuli ez dena (gutxi gora-beherakoa)
Data Loturak Tamaina Laburpena aldatu
Ezb · Historia −2 Reverted 1 edit by (talk) to last revision by Esrever. (TW)
Ezb · Historia 260 (lehengoratua)  Race and ethnicity:
Ezb · Historia 0 Race and ethnicity: swithc order again. Not sure if the "causes of the gap" section or the "predictive validity" section should come first
Ezb · Historia −104 Race and ethnicity: duplication removed
Ezb · Historia 156 Race and ethnicity:
Ezb · Historia 511 Race and ethnicity: explain more carefully the reason and the publications
Ezb · Historia 209 Race and ethnicity:
Ezb · Historia 0 Race and ethnicity:
Ezb · Historia 1.437 Undid revision 680531494 by (talk) revert. If we are reverting back then we will revert all the way back
Ezb · Historia 1.133 Race and ethnicity: these studies do in fact purport to show an inherent bias in the test
Ezb · Historia 155 Race and ethnicity:
Ezb · Historia 145 Race and ethnicity: spell out what this means
Ezb · Historia −3 Race and ethnicity:
Ezb · Historia 7 Race and ethnicity: reorganize again
Ezb · Historia 8 Race and ethnicity: grammar and word choice
Ezb · Historia −4 Race and ethnicity: reorganize paragraph divisions for progression
Ezb · Historia −311 Race and ethnicity: reorganize for flow and logics
Ezb · Historia 1.899 Race and ethnicity: try to make compromise on this section
Ezb · Historia −54 Race and ethnicity:
Ezb · Historia −255 Race and ethnicity: remove an odd an uninformative sentence appended to paragraph
Ezb · Historia 1.716 Race and ethnicity: partial revert of changes to section that oversimplified, removed relevant sourced information and occasionally compromised accuracy
Ezb · Historia −36 (lehengoratua)  Undid revision 662518699 by TDJankins (talk) the sentence doesnt make sense without this link, regardless of whether we believe in G it needs to be here
Ezb · Historia 53 Race and ethnicity: reword to clarify, and improve accuracy
Ezb · Historia −9 Undid revision 662387979 by (talk) you apparently dont understand it. There is no "conflict", you are maming the claim contradict the study it references
Ezb · Historia 214 Race and ethnicity: this is the original study
Ezb · Historia −9 Undid revision 662386681 by (talk) sorry, but the fact that empirical evidence doesnt conform to your stereotype is not grounds for changing their conclusions
Ezb · Historia 73 Race and Ethnicity: reword and add source
Ezb · Historia −5 Name changes:
Ezb · Historia 772 Race and Ethnicity:
Ezb · Historia 684 Race and Ethnicity:
Ezb · Historia 125 Race and Ethnicity:
Ezb · Historia 178 Race and Ethnicity:
Ezb · Historia 377 Race and Ethnicity:
Ezb · Historia −1.279 Race: remove some undue stuff and add the environmentalist explanation
Ezb · Historia 2.952 Undid revision 645331236 by (talk) readding section on racial disparities
Ezb · Historia −137 Cultural bias: removing a dead link
Denbora guztiak UTCen daude.