DCCH Center’s programs are partially funded by the Commonwealth of Kentucky on a per child/per day basis, along with United Way, and Diocese of Covington funding. However, those sources combined only cover about 75% of DCCH’s actual costs to provide the services and programs available to the community. Each year, we are challenged to raise more than $2,300,000 to meet our budget. Each year we rely heavily on philanthropic support from generous individuals, foundations, and corporations to help cover the costs of our Programs, as well as much-needed, but often delayed, capital projects.

Generous giving makes a lifetime of impact on the children and families we serve. Gifts to DCCH Center reach far and wide across the organization, supporting vital programs and services, building our Endowment to provide sustainable funding for the future, and improving our facilities to maintain a safe environment for the children and their families in our care.

Thanks for Giving!

We give thanks to the generous donors and volunteers that help make DCCH Center what it is. The support from our family, friends, and surrounding communities gives hope to the children and families of Kentucky. They are amazing and help change lives every day. Thank you!


How You Can Help

Round up your gifts and be recognized in one of our ANNUAL GIVING CIRCLES:

Circle of Love $25,000+
Circle of Hope $10,000-$24,999
Circle of Faith $7,500-$9,999
Circle of Grace $5,000-$7,499
Circle of Joy $2,500-$4,999
Circle of Peace $1,000-$2,499

Make a commitment to join one or more of our GIVING SOCIETIES:

Sustaining Members Monthly gifts for at least one year
1848 Society Annual financial gift for ten or more consecutive years
Sr. Jean Marie Hoffman Society Planned gifts to DCCH
Guardian Society Investment to our endowment

Keep supporting DCCH throughout the years to be part of our LIFETIME GIVING SOCIETIES:

William Miller Society $1,000,000+
Sisters of Notre Dame Society $500,000-$999,999
St. John Society $250,000-$499,999
St. Joe Society $100,000-$249,999

To learn more, contact Cass Patterson