Foster-to-Adopt Program

DCCH provides child-placing services for Kentucky families. A major piece of our program is helping our parents adopt children in their care. Many children are eligible for adoption, but a family is not identified for them. Because some foster parents are not able to commit to long term adoption, this group of children waits for a family. They need you.

DCCH needs families willing to go through our free training and preparation process. After attending our foster-to-adopt program, you can help these children. Please refer to the Therapeutic Foster Care page and learn how you can become a foster-to-adopt family through DCCH.

You can #ChangeLives!

Private Adoption

Another service that DCCH provides is adoption home studies. Kentucky families seeking to adopt domestically or internationally (private adoptions) will need a home study conducted by a licensed Kentucky adoption agency. DCCH has been a licensed adoption agency since 2001. We are happy to provide this service for you.

If you are a single adult/family seeking to adopt a child from a private source, contact us today. Below is the fee schedule for this type of adoption home study service.

Independent Adoption Home Study Fee Schedule

Home Study Narrative: $2,000

Includes application, references, background checks, home visit and initial home study report. Also included is one follow-up home visit after child is placed and the written court report recommending the finalization of adoption.

Home Study Narrative Update: $1,000

If a family has had an Independent Adoption Home Study Narrative completed elsewhere and a copy of the report is shared, we can provide an update for half the cost of an original. Updates to home study narratives are necessary when information, such as medical information, background checks, etc becomes outdated – generally one year after the original home study is completed.

DCCH Home Study Narrative Update: $750

If an update is required to a Home Study originally completed by DCCH, the cost is $750.

Monthly Home Visit and Report: $100/each

Some states and placing agencies may require monthly updates after a child is placed up until the adoption is finalized to summarize the status of the child, relationship between the family and child and emotional, physical and medical development of child.

Birth Parent Interviews and Report: $100/hour

Some independent adoption agencies or attorneys may desire our agency to conduct this service. DCCH will meet face-to-face with the birth parent to gather necessary background information. A report and appropriate forms are sent to the placing adoption agency.

Training Curriculum: $90/person

DCCH offers adoption training and education to families completing adoptions through other agencies. Prospective adoptive families can participate in up to 30 hours of training (10 sessions lasting three hours each); or $9/session if only specific training is needed. Families interested in training without participating in a home study narrative or update will be charged $30/session.