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Clades Sitemap
Biosphere Components
















Gracilicutes to Proteobacteria


 RNA polβ BBM1 insert


 Type III Secretion 
 Murein Loss/Reduction 





 0.9 GYA 
& alanyl‑tRNA synthase 4‑aa insert 
Endosymbiotic Eukaryotic Organelle

Iron-Sulfur World
 FeS/H2S ⇒ FeS2 + 2 H+ + 2 e 
 FeS/H2S ⇒ FeS2 + H2O 

 Fe-S Clusters 



 Carbonyl [H] Rxns 

 RCC Core 

 Iron-Sulfur World 

 Autocatalytic Cycle 
 & Carbon Fixation 

4.56 - 3.9 GYA 

LUCA to Neomura

 Chlorobacteria - (Glidobacteria - Eobacteria)

 OM β-barrel insertion (Omp85)[n] 

 Hadobacteria   - (Glidobacteria - Eobacteria) 


 Cyanobacteria   - (Glidobacteria - Glycobacteria)


 Gracilicutes[e]   - (Glycobacteria)


 Eurybacteria   - (Glycobacteria)

 OM Loss[k] 




 Cell Wall Loss[i] 
 Isoprenopid Ether Lipids[g] 




 0.9 GYA 
 ~2.0 GYA 
 2.8 GYA 
3.5 GYA 

Neomura to Podiata
 Loss of Cell Wall 
 Isoprenopid Ether Lipids[y] 


 Cytopharynx & Ciliary Paraxonemal Rods 


 Ventral Feeding Groove 
 Eruptive Psuedopodia[x] 


 Dorsal Ciliary Vane 


 Ventral Ciliary Vane[w] 
 Myosin Domain Fusions 




 Ciliary Gliding[u] 


 Cortical Alveoli 
 Chloroplast Endosymbiont 


 Plantae Endosymbiont 


 SAR supergroup  



 0.9 GYA 

Opisthokonta to Metazoa

Cavalier-Smith describes the Opisthokonts as being comprised of Choanozoa, Metazoa, and Fungi.[2] In this diagram Cavalier-Smith's Fungi equates to Holomycota and Fungi is used more restrictively. Cavalier-Smith's Choanozoa equates to all Holozoans except Animals (Metozoa). Here Choanozoa is used in a more conventional and restrictive manner.

 Loss of Anterior Cilium 
 Tapering Psuedopods[af] 




 Cell Walls & Branching Hyphae 


 Ubiquitin S‑30 Fusion 
 Cell Walls Replace Psuedopods 



 CAMs & Filose Tentacles[ae] 


 Collar Filter 


 Epithelia & Mesenchyme[ad] 


 665 MYA 

Phosphoester World
 Phosphate Invasion 

 Proto-Kinase Rxns 




 Aminoglycan Pathways 

 Nucleoside Pathways 


 Nucleotide Coenzymes 

 Energy Carriers 

 Nucleic Acid Chemistry 

 Phosphoester World 

 Thioester World 

Podiata to Opisthokonta
 Ciliary Gliding 





 Broad Psuedopods 


 Narrow Psuedopods[ai] 



 Anterior Cilium Lost 



Solar System


 Atomic Species 

 Molecular Species 

 Circumstellar Dust 

 Plasma Condensation Zone 




 Habitable Zone 


 Terrestrial Systems 

 Asteroid Belt 





 Jovian Systems 

 Kuiper Belt 

 Termination Shock 



 Bow Shock 

 Oort Cloud 

 Solar System 

Sun Structure


 Radiative Zone 

 Convection Zone 



 Transition Zone 



Surface Metabolist to LUCA

 Lipid World 


 Lipid-protected NA Epoch 


 Lipid-anchored RNA World 


 Lipid-anchored Lipo-Ribo-Protein Epoch 


 Lipid-anchored Proteo-Ribosomal Epoch 


 Lipid-anchored Virion Epoch 


 Lipid-anchored Enzyme Epoch 


 Water-Soluble Virionic/Enzymatic Ecology 


 Cytoplasmic Cellularity 

 Viral-Virovore Ecology 


 Genomic Cellularity 


 Rampant HGT Epoch 



 HGT Refractory Period 

 Darwinian Threshold 


 Cellular Biosphere 


 Amino‑Acyl tRNA 

Surface Metabolist 

Thioester World

 Nitrogen Invasion 
 Branch Pathways 
 FeS/H2S ⇒ FeS2 

 αKG ⇒ Glu (Acidic)

 OXO ⇒ Asp (Acidic)

 PYR ⇒ Ala (Neutral Non-polar)

 Reductive Amination 
 FeS/H2S ⇒ FeS2 

 Glu + Glu ⇔ αKG + Gln (Neutral Polar)

 Glu + Asp ⇔ αKG + Asn (Neutral Polar)

 Synthase Rxns 

 α-Ketoacids ⇔ α-Amino Acids

 Transanimase Rxns 
 AA Synthesis 

 Non-coded Polypeptides 

 Condensation Rxns 






 Thioester World 

 RCC Core
 Iron-Sulfur World 

Notes & Commentary

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Notes & Commentary
  1. Subject to major change, revision ,and/or retraction at any moment.
  2. Proteobacteria phagocytosed by Protoeukaryotic Neomuran. Also: Murein/LPS/Lipoprotein Loss
  3. Also: endoflagella L-ring lost;
  4. Glycobacteria possessing flagella excluding Eurybacteria. Also: 4 Protein Insertions
  5. 4 Protein Insertions
  6. a.k.a Firmicutes
  7. Also: Reverse DNA gyrase; 2 genes split; novel stabler flagella; copious gene losses
  8. Also: Endomembranes; Endoskeleton; Mitochondria; 26S proteasomes; tricorn & TET peptidases lost
  9. Also: Cholesterol; 20S proteasomes; new ring ATPase; murein lost; Lipoproteins & ClpP lost; N-linked glycoproteins replace lipoproteins; core hisones replace DNA gyrase
  10. also: Phosphotidylinositol
  11. Also: Sortase lipoprotein secretion
  12. Also: Hsp70 & 90 deletions; MFIcc to MFIc operon; glycerol-1-P dehydrogenase
  13. Also: Hopanoids; TolC; TonB; Group I Nif
  14. Also: Photosystem Duplication; HsIVU ring protease; Cytochrome b; Type II Secretion
  15. "The last ancestor of all life was a eubacterium with acyl-ester membrane lipids, large genome, murein peptidoglycan walls, and fully developed eubacterial molecular biology and cell division. It was a non-flagellate negibacterium with two membranes, probably a photosynthetic green non-sulphur bacterium with relatively primitive secretory machinery..."[1] - Other key features: Peptidoglycan; Gliding; Lipoprotein; CLpP; Ion Proteases; Cytochrome c; group II Nif Nitrogen Fixation;
  16. alternative taxonomy membership: Excavata
  17. alternative taxonomy membership: Excavata - Loukozoa
  18. alternative taxonomy membership: Excavata - Loukozoa
  19. alternative taxonomy membership: Excavata - Loukozoa
  20. Also: 4 Cilia/Centrosome, loss of Mitochondria
  21. Dorsal Pellicle
  22. a.k.a. Archaeplastida
  23. Also: Novel cytochrome c biogenesis
  24. Also: 4 cilia/centrioles
  25. Also: Reverse DNA gyrase; 2 genes split; novel stabler flagella; copious gene losses
  26. Also: Endomembranes; Endoskeleton; Mitochondria; 26S proteasomes; tricorn & TET peptidases lost
  27. Ancestral aerobic, bicilate, phagotrophic Eukaryotes
  28. a.k.a. Scotokaryotes
  29. Also: Cholesterol; 20S proteasomes; new ring ATPase; murein lost; Lipoproteins & ClpP lost; N-linked glycoproteins replace lipoproteins; core hisones replace DNA gyrase
  30. Also: Extracellular Matrix, Oogamy
  31. Unbranched Non-tapering. Also: Cadherins
  32. Sometimes Branched.
  33. Loss of anterior cilium
  34. a.k.a. Ancyromonadida
  35. Also: Integrins
  36. The primordial role of the Catenins is tethering other proteins to actin I suspect.
  37. a.k.a. Sarcomastigo, Amorphea
  38. Also: Myosin II
  39. Varisulca lacks molecular phylogenetic support and appear to be strongly non-monophyletic. Planomonadida are not inferred to be the sister group to CRuMs and lacks wide acceptance as such.


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List of Citations
  1. Cavalier-Smith 2006.
  2. Shalchian-Tabrizi et al. 2007.

Sources & References

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