Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA



As the World Food Programme (WFP) marked its 60th year, our mission of ending hunger had never been more urgent nor more challenging. More than 300 million people faced acute hunger in 2023 because of new and protracted conflicts, the global climate crisis, economic aftershocks of COVID-19, and food and energy price inflation. More than 40 million children, women and men faced starvation and needed life-saving assistance.

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ReliefWeb Response strives to keep improving humanitarian information-sharing

It has been a year since the last operations were moved to ReliefWeb Response (RW Response) and we retired the ( platform.

RW Response was soft launched in ReliefWeb Labs in June 2022 and after several rounds of testing and improvements, it was officially launched in November 2022. Operations were moved from in phases - the last...
