Campaign against unfit school vehicles from July 8

Campaign against unfit school vehicles from July 8
LUCKNOW: To ensure safety of school children, the transport department will launch a campaign against unfit school vehicles from July 8.
The vehicles will be checked for fitness, permits, insurance, pollution compliance, and other essential credentials.
Minister of state for transport (independent charge) Dayashankar Singh said that CM Yogi Adityanath has directed to prepare a district-wise list of vehicles operating in schools.
The officials should ensure verification of registered school vehicles. The minister said that a separate list of ‘fit’ and ‘unfit’ vehicles be prepared and that meetings be held with school management and vehicle owners to ensure compliance with the standards.
The minister said that it has come to the notice that in most districts, vehicles are operating in violation of standards, without fitness certificates or without being registered or contracted under the school's name. The children are being sent to schools in unauthorised vehicles, like vans, autos, and e-rickshaws with the consent of schools and parents, which is a violation of the Motor Vehicle Rules. Enforcement teams will launch a campaign to take action against such individuals.
The campaign will continue for at least a fortnight.
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