'I have enough to do': What Putin said on Trump-Biden debate

'I have enough to do': What Putin said on Trump-Biden debate
During a press conference following the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin shared his thoughts on the first debate between US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. While Putin admitted to only having seen "some fragments" of the debate, he emphasized his preference for a predictable candidate.
Putin remarked on the importance of the United States in global affairs, saying, "The United States remains a great power with well-known capabilities in the field of economics, security, and military," highlighting its influence on global issues, including the situation in Ukraine.

When asked about the debate, Putin mentioned that he has more important tasks than following the US electoral process closely. "I have enough to do, so I don’t really follow what’s going on there, especially through the comments in the media. They always have certain preferences: someone is for, someone is against," he said.
Earlier this year, Putin expressed that it would be better for Russia if Biden were reelected, describing him as "a more experienced and predictable person… a politician of the old sort," dismissing concerns about Biden’s cognitive abilities. Despite the debate being described as "disastrous" for Biden, Putin insisted that his opinion remains unchanged. "Nothing has changed," he said, adding, "didn’t we all know what might happen?"
Putin reiterated Moscow’s readiness to work with whoever is elected by the Americans but noted that the world cannot stay completely "indifferent" to US politics.
Regarding Trump, Putin takes his statements "quite seriously," particularly Trump's claims of knowing how to stop the conflict in Ukraine and potentially halting NATO expansion. "Of course, I am not familiar with his possible suggestions on how he is going to do this – and this, of course, is the key question. But I have no doubt that he says it sincerely, and we support it," Putin stated.
Although Trump has not provided details on how he intends to conclude the war, which has now entered its third year, Politico reported that he is exploring a potential agreement with Russia. According to two national security experts aligned with the former president, this deal would involve Nato committing to halt further eastward expansion, particularly into Ukraine and Georgia.
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