
Founder Vikas Sharma Aims To Make Filmynova The Biggest Digital Media Brand

ByHT Brand Studio
Feb 11, 2022 07:17 PM IST

Till date, Vikas has created innumerable social media entities some of which have been acquired by reputed companies like the TVF owned Girliyapa

In the last decade, digital media has grown by leaps and bounds and there is no dearth of individuals or brands trying to make a name for themselves in this space. In a crowded space like this, if anybody manages to make an indelible impact, you know that individual is doing something right. Young entrepreneur Vikas Sharma has managed to carve a niche for himself in the digital marketing space through his brand Filmynova.

Young entrepreneur Vikas Sharma
Young entrepreneur Vikas Sharma

Talking about that one element that helped him stand out, he says, “In today’s times, if you are planning to enter the digital branding or marketing space, you have to think out-of-the-box. You have to create an entity that offers consumers something unique and different. That’s exactly what I tried to do with Filmynova. There are many social media brands that create Bollywood based content but we try to engage social media users through content that is entertaining and concise in equal measures. They know what to expect when they like or subscribe to the Filmynova pages”. 

Vikas has had an interesting journey so far and one that many millennials would be able to relate to. Like many young men, who come from middle-class families, academics played an important role in Vikas’s life. While he opted for engineering, his heart was never in it. He dropped out in the first year of his B.Tech course and decided to channelize his energies towards creating innovations in a space he understood the best – social media. 

“After dropping out of college, I devoted my complete attention towards building my media startup company. I faced many challenges but found support from friends and many other people I met during this journey. I started managing different social media accounts which I accumulated more than 50 million followers for. I also launched a page on Facebook called Gamers On Board which has 3.8 million followers now. I have created leading social media accounts in every category like memes, shayari, shorts and gaming”, he says. 

Till date, Vikas has created innumerable social media entities some of which have been acquired by reputed companies like the TVF owned Girliyapa. He has spearheaded digital marketing campaigns for leading brands like Bewakoof and has lent his expertise as a digital marketer to films like the Salman Khan starrer ‘Tubelight’. Among other things, he plans to propel the growth of Filmynova and his gaming YouTube channel forward. 

Disclaimer: This is a company release. No HT journalist is involved in creation of this content.

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