
20 held after 5-year-old girl raped, murdered in Goa: Police

Apr 13, 2024 11:56 AM IST

A postmortem examination by the police surgeon found that the girl was sexually assaulted and murdered by smothering

The Goa Police have rounded up around 20 construction labourers for interrogation after a five-year-old girl was found raped and murdered with her body dumped behind a construction site at Vasco da Gama town in the coastal state on Thursday night.

Police said they have rounded up 20 labourers who were living at the construction site where the incident took place (Representative Image)
Police said they have rounded up 20 labourers who were living at the construction site where the incident took place (Representative Image)

Speaking to the media, superintendent of police (SP) Sunita Sawant said, “At around 3am (Friday), we received a call from the (government-run) Chicalim Cottage Hospital saying that a five-year-old girl, the daughter of a construction worker, was dead on arrival in suspicious circumstances. A postmortem examination by the police surgeon found that she was sexually assaulted and murdered by smothering.”

“We have registered a case under sections 376 (rape) and 302 (murder) besides sections of the Goa Children’s Act and the POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) Act,” Sawant said.

“We have rounded up 20 labourers who were living at the construction site where the incident took place and are interrogating them. The Investigation is on,” Sawant added.

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