
Follow rules or face action: Police to visitors at tourist spots

ByNadeem Inamdar
Jun 25, 2024 05:06 AM IST

The police appeal comes in the wake of the death due to drowning of a 19-year-old college student, who along with his friends on a picnic, ventured into the backwaters of the Pawana Dam on Sunday

The Pune rural police have appealed to tourists visiting forts, dams, lakes, secluded forest spaces like biodiversity hotspots, ghats and waterfalls to follow rules of the place or face action, including filing of first information report (FIR), against violators.

The Pune rural police have appealed to tourists visiting forts, dams, lakes, secluded forest spaces like biodiversity hotspots. (REPRESENTATIVE PIC)
The Pune rural police have appealed to tourists visiting forts, dams, lakes, secluded forest spaces like biodiversity hotspots. (REPRESENTATIVE PIC)

Pankaj Deshmukh, superintendent of police (SP), Pune rural police, said, “Cops cannot cover every tourist spot. Visitors should follow the law and not engage in acts which could endanger their lives and others, and we will register offences against such individuals. Repeated offenders could face an FIR.”

The police appeal comes in the wake of the death due to drowning of a 19-year-old college student, who along with his friends on a picnic, ventured into the backwaters of the Pawana Dam on Sunday.

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