
Patit Pavan Sanghatana supporters vandalise the pub

Jun 25, 2024 05:16 AM IST

Around 6-7 supporters of the group gathered at the spot and damaged the bar’s signage board and furniture using stones, wooden sticks and iron rods

After a video surfaced on social media showing underage boys allegedly consuming drugs at the Liquid Leisure Lounge’s washroom on Fergusson College Road area during a late-night party on Sunday, right-wing group Patit Pavan Sanghatana vandalised the bar at around 1 pm on Monday.

Meanwhile, the police have arrested eight individuals, including proprietors and managers of the pub, and the court granted them police custody for five days. (REPRESENTATIVE PIC)
Meanwhile, the police have arrested eight individuals, including proprietors and managers of the pub, and the court granted them police custody for five days. (REPRESENTATIVE PIC)

Around 6-7 supporters of the group gathered at the spot and damaged the bar’s signage board and furniture using stones, wooden sticks and iron rods.

Meanwhile, the police have arrested eight individuals, including proprietors and managers of the pub, and the court granted them police custody for five days. One inspector, one assistant inspector and two constables were also suspended for neglecting their duties.

Police officials said the pub was operating till 5 am.

Deputy commissioner of police (zone 1) Sandeep Singh Gill said, “The video shows the youth consuming some drug-like substances during the party and we are probing if the case attracts action under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985.”

The incident has sparked outrage among residents, with many demanding stricter enforcement of laws and regulations to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. The police have assured that they will continue to crack down on establishments engaging in illegal activities and uphold the safety and well-being of minors in the city.

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