
Uttarakhand Police suspend entire police outpost for inaction action against illegal mining

Hindustan Times, Rudrapur | By
Oct 26, 2020 12:17 AM IST

Illegal mining is rampant in many parts of Kumaon in Uttarakhand, especially in Nainital and US Nagar districts.

In a major action against police personnel for not taking action against illegal mining, senior superintendent of police (SSP), US Nagar district on Sunday suspended ten police personnel - the entire staff of an outpost - and attached eight police personnel of another police outpost with the district police lines.

Representative image(HT photo)
Representative image(HT photo)

According to US Nagar police, the action by SSP Daleep Singh Kunwar has been taken after complaints were received that police was not taking action against the illegal mining activities in the areas under the jurisdictions of Bannakhera outpost and Majhola outpost in the district.

After looking into these complaints, SSP suspended the whole police staff of Bannakhera outpost (ten police personnel), including its in-charge, on Sunday evening. In another case, the entire police staff of Majhola outpost (eight police personnel) were attached to police lines.

“We were receiving complaints from Bannakhera area of Bazpur and Majhola area of Khatima regarding police inaction against illegal mining. After looking into the matter, I have taken action against police personnel of these outposts, suspending ten and attaching 8 with the police lines,” stated Daleep Singh Kunwar, SSP US Nagar.

New police personnel have been deployed by the SSP at both the outposts. They have reached their respective police outposts, said the police.

Illegal mining is rampant in many parts of Kumaon in Uttarakhand, especially in Nainital and US Nagar districts.

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