
Will Joe Biden succeed at home?

ByHT Editorial,
Nov 09, 2021 05:03 AM IST

The passage of the $1 trillion infrastructure bill is good but the Democrats face major political challenges

There is a deep domestic churn in the United States (US) — and this will have an impact on both the future of the US and its ability to compete with China. Two events of the past week illustrate the possibilities as well as the challenges that the Joe Biden administration confronts. The first is the passage of the $1 trillion infrastructure bill — after much internal discord between centrists and progressive within the Democrats. An even more ambitious social safety bill, an integral part of Mr Biden’s and the Left’s agenda, remains pending but the infra bill, which had broad bipartisan support, will see a major investment in modernising American roads and rails, bridges and ports, and enhancing virtual connectivity. The second development was the victory of a Republican candidate, Glenn Youngkin, in Virginia, ousting a Democratic governor. The Republicans tapped into rising discontent against inflation, a sense among swing voters that the Democrats weren’t delivering, Mr Biden’s plummeting popularity, and familiar culture wars. The defeat in Virginia added to a sense of urgency among Democrats to get united behind the infrastructure bill.

While the infrastructure bill should give him hope, the Virginia loss should make him anxious about what lies ahead. (AP) PREMIUM
While the infrastructure bill should give him hope, the Virginia loss should make him anxious about what lies ahead. (AP)

Mr Biden, since assuming power, has articulated a fairly coherent worldview. He has consistently argued that the US faces tremendous challenges at home — infrastructure is inadequate and crumbling, citizens find it hard to make ends meet, jobs need to be created, and the State has a responsibility to invest in both the physical and the care economy. This, Mr Biden believes, will strengthen America domestically; send a message that democracies can deliver; and reduce the appeal of Right-wing demagogues who often leverage real economic anxieties. It will also create a stronger political and economic basis to compete with China. For India, a functional but also effective American democracy is good news.

But Mr Biden’s relatively sound diagnosis of what needs to be done has collided with messy political realities. His own party is divided between the Left and centrists. There are powerful economic constituencies that don’t want an expansion in the State’s spending commitments, either because of an ideological obsession with small government or because it will also translate into higher taxes. The Republicans are keen to shift the conversation entirely to manufactured grievances to tap into racist impulses, and are hoping to take over the House and the Senate next year, which will fragment power even more. Mr Biden has a tough year ahead. While the infrastructure bill should give him hope, the Virginia loss should make him anxious about what lies ahead. The polarised American political landscape means that partners such as India will have to remain closely engaged with all sides of the US polity.

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