
Jennifer Lopez taking time to ‘reflect’ on her relationship with Ben Affleck amid divorce rumours: Expert

ByArya Vaishnavi
Jun 21, 2024 10:52 PM IST

Relationship expert Louella Alderson thinks that Lopez's solo trip may actually give her and Affleck a second chance

As divorce rumours continue to grow, Jennifer Lopez is taking some time off to “reflect” on her relationship with Ben Affleck, according to a relationship expert. The 54-year-old singer went on vacation this week to Positano, a cliffside village on southern Italy’s Amalfi Coast, without her husband.

Relationship expert claims that Jennifer Lopez is taking time off to reflect on her marriage with Ben Affleck amid divorce rumours(REUTERS)
Relationship expert claims that Jennifer Lopez is taking time off to reflect on her marriage with Ben Affleck amid divorce rumours(REUTERS)

Jennifer Lopez taking time off to ‘reflect’ on her marriage

The On the Floor hitmaker jetted off with her friends while Affleck stayed in Los Angeles. Amid growing speculations about their relationship at the moment, fans believe they may be headed for a divorce. However, expert Louella Alderson thinks that Lopez's solo trip may actually give them a second chance.

“Jennifer Lopez's solo trip to Italy is another sign that things may not be going well in her marriage with Ben Affleck,” Alderson told Mirror, adding, “They seem to have spent a lot more time apart recently, with Ben even moving out of their shared home and back into his own place.”

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She continued, “This suggests that there may be some underlying issues or conflicts in their relationship that they are trying to work through.” “It's possible that Jennifer's trip to Italy is allowing her some time and space to reflect on her marriage and what she wants for her future.”

Calling her a “strategic and independent woman,” Alderson went on to say that “it's likely that she is considering her options and needs some time alone to make decisions about her next steps.” She added that Ben staying back in LA means they are “focusing on their own separate lives for the time being.”

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The expert further said that the Can't Get Enough singer's decision to go on a solo trip may actually be a good thing as spending time away from one's partner “allows for individual growth and self-reflection, which can ultimately benefit the relationship in the long run.” “When you're apart, you have the opportunity to miss each other and appreciate your time together even more.”

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